日本財団 図書館


ensure the consistency in the overall social security systems.
In order to provide a variety of services, help provided by private enterprises will be used. To do so, it is vital to ensure that services will be provided based on the users' choice.
To construct an aging society, it is of paramount importance to cope with the decline of fertility. In consequence, comprehensive and intentional measures to support child care will be promoted.


(1) Comprehensive promotion of health improvement
a. Promoting lifelong health improvement
Through the dissemination of health-related information, lifelong improvement through well-balanced nutrition, exercise and recreation will be promoted. People should become aware of their health, thereby improving their health, preventing diseases and encouraging early diagnosis and detection of illness. Moreover, eating habits which contribute to health improvement will also be encouraged.
With respect to health improvement for the people in the prime of their lives or in their old age, a system, in which regional health services will be provided at municipal levels with the support of prefectural governments, will be developed, which will be complemented and enhanced by the use of private services and communication technology.


b. Developing health improvement facilities
In order to facilitate lifelong health improvement, necessary facilities, including regional health facilities, will be developed so that sick people can improve their health in a friendly environment.


(2) Enhancing health, medical and welfare services
a. Improving regional systems to provide comprehensive services
In order to meet the needs of the elderly while coordinating systems and using private service providers, certain systems will be developed so that user-oriented services can be provided in areas where residents feel most familiar, such as their municipalities.
b. Improving in-home services
In view of the importance of homes/families in living and psychological terms, in-home services will be improved so that the elderly can live





