日本財団 図書館



General Principles Concerning Measures for the Aging Society


July 1996


On publishing the English version of the "General Principles Concerning Measures for the Aging Society"
The Management and Coordination Agency tentatively translated this document in cooperation with the International Longevity Center(ILC-Japan).


Part I Objectives and Basic Concepts


1. Objectives in Drawing Up General Principles

Japan is facing rapid population aging. This, together with the undulating changes in our economic societies, has an extensive influence on the people.
In the beginning of the 21st century, Japan expects to become a genuine aging society. In order to build, without delay, an affluent society full of solidarity and vitality where each and every one can feel that they are happy to live long and are in perfect harmony with one another, it is vital to promote sound development of the economy as well as stable improvement of people's living conditions. This can be accomplished by continuously reviewing socio-economic systems so that they meet the needs of the new society, support the independence of individuals and the role of families, maintain and promote the vitality of the people, and assure peaceful living by appropriately combining self-support with mutual and public support.
To help achieve this goal, general principles, which the government should implement, have been drawn up as a basic and comprehensive policy for the aging society in accordance with the provisions in Article 6 of the Basic Law on Measures for the Aging Society (Law 129. 1995, hereafter referred to as the "Law.")

2. Basic Concepts

In principle, measures for the aging society should be implemented with the goal of building the following society as prescribed in Article 2 of the Law:
1) A fair and energetic society where people can be ensured that they have the opportunity of participating in diverse social activities or working throughout their lives.
2) A society where people are respected as important members throughout their lives and where local communities are formed based on the spirit of independence and solidarity.
3) An affluent society where people can live peacefully and with fulfillment throughout their lives.





