日本財団 図書館


Shikoku: October 12-13, Imabari City
Kyushu: October 26-27, Miyazaki City.
(3) Seminars on education for developmental disabilities (summertime overnight training courses)
In Fukushima, July 26-28:
Theme: "Fostering the ability to live actively"
Place: Sugitsuma Hall, Fukushima City
Participants: 120
In Okinawa, August 2-4:
Theme: "Fostering the ability to live actively"
Place: Hakuun-so in Onna village in kunigami district
In Gifu, August 22-24:
Theme: "Individualized Education"
Place: Grand Palace, Gifu City
Participants: 120
(4) Publications
Editing the monthly bulletin, "Developmental Delay and Education".
(5) Raising funds for the damage caused by the Great Hanshin Earthquake.
(d) Inclusion Japan
For its part in the relief activities relating to the Great Hanshin Earthquake, the Association lobbied the Ministries of Health and Welfare and Labor for the funds needed for the rebuilding of small scale workshops and restoration of employment measures, and raised contributions nationally (total amount,67,200,000 yen). It also worked actively for the stabilization of the management of small scale workshops, promotion of the utilization of public housing for group homes, lightening the restrictions on agents who run group homes, increased subsidies for persons with severe disabilities, and consideration for exceptional treatment with respect to the abolition of attendants.
To hammer out the basic policies of the Association, the policy committee distributed an issue paper,"Inclusion Japan -- How We Should Be in 2001-- Vision and an Action Plan", to the chairman of directors,and, following up on that, began to develop and discuss a "Plan for the 21st century for Inclusion Japan:Inclusion Strategies".
People with disabilities themselves became more active this year, and held a symposia at the general meeting of the national conference, and, for the first time, held a seminar for supporters of the activities of people with disabilities.
The new name of the Association was decided to be Inclusion Japan; active efforts have been made for the realization of ordinary community life. The Association has also developed activities in connection with a major initiative in the area of advocacy movements and community-based services.
The Association has also continued the national-level activities it had done annually, such as the various projects, the national conference, regional conferences (in eight regions), seminars for group homes, seminars for employment and social participation, training seminars for supporting occupational independence, training seminars for consultants, and sports classes. Instead of publication of the monthly journal, "Hand in Hand," the Association published a book, "Life of Persons with Severe Disabilities," which was edited by a self-advocacy group. The Association broadcast two radio programs on shortwave, through the Japan Shortwave Radio Broadcast station.
(e) Japanese Association for the Study of Developmental Disabilities
Celebrating the thirty years anniversary since the establishment of the Association, the 30th memorial convention was held. The Association plans to continue to develop in the future as the only academic society in Japan on developmental disabilities.
(1) The 30th annual convention
Date: July 28-30,1995
Place: Keio University, Tokyo




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