日本財団 図書館

Table. 1 
Results of epidemiological survey of schistosomiasis mekongi in Kratie Province (April-May 2003)
 Village   Rapid-ELISA
No. examined No. positivesa Positive ratio (%)
Achen school children 105 27 25.7
adults 20 8 40.0
total 125 35 28.0
Kompong Krabei children
(<20 y)
51 23 45.1
(≧20 y)
53 15 28.3
total 104 38 36.5
Kbal Chuor school children 101 60 59.4
adults 30 7 23.3
total 131 67 51.1
Sambok school children 103 32 31.1
adults 8 3 37.5
total 111 40 36.0
Talous children
(<20 y)
136 12 8.8
(≧20 y)
12 2 16.7
total 148 14 9.5
Hanchey Leu children
(<20 y)
89 12 13.5
(≧20 y)
6 1 16.7
total 95 13 13.7
a cut off limit O.D.=0.450
Table. 2 
Results of stool examination of schistosomiasis mekongi in Kratie Province
(April-May 2003)
 Village   Stool exam. (Kato-Katz) Formalin-detergent
No. exam. No. pos. Positive ratio (%) No. exam. No. pos. Positive ratio (%)
Achen school children            
adults       3 0 0.0
total       3 0 0.0
Talous children
(<20 y)
137 0 0 133 1 0.8
(≧ 20 y)
12 0 0 10 0 0.0
total 149 0 0 143 1 0.7
Hanchey Leu children
(<20 y)
95 0 0 18 1 5.6
(≧ 20 y)
6 0 0 4 1 25.0
total 101 0 0 22 2 9.1
Table 3 
Ultrasonographic examinations in high and low endemic villages in Kratie Province, Cambodia
   Village Participants
Male Female Total
High endemic area Achen 23 49 72
K. Krabei 38 64 102
Ampilteuk 43 61 104
Sambok 35 53 88
Total 139 227 366
Low endemic area Chhlong 49 68 117
Table 4 
Portal hypertension in high and low endemic villages in Kratie Province, Cambodia
  High endemic villages Low endemic village
Dilatation of portal vein None 227 107
Mild 117 10
Moderate 22 0
Collateral vessels - 259 115
+ 107 2
Ascites - 361 117
+ 5 0
Table 5 
Relationship between age and portal hypertension in high endemic villages in Kratie Province, Cambodia
  Portal hypertension (-) Portal hypertension (+)
  Mild Moderate Severe
≦14 22 2 0 0
15-24 48 27 21 5
25-34 43 34 27 11
35-44 46 14 11 0
45-54 32 12 0 2
≧55 7 0 0 0
Table 6 
Relationship between ages and portal hypertension in low endemic villages of Schistosoma mekongi infection in Kratie Province, Cambodia
  Portal hypertension (-) Portal hypertension (+)
Age   Mild Moderate Severe
≦14 14 0 0 0
15-24 31 2 0 0
25-34 21 2 0 0
35-44 21 2 0 0
45-54 14 2 0 0
≧ 55 6 0 0 0
