日本財団 図書館

Appendix Number Name of Law Decree Number Year Affairs Users
1, 3, 5 Forest Law 249 1951 change of condition of appointment of reserve forest areas Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Governor
3, 5 Forest Law 249 1951 appointment of reserve forest areas in private forests in another river basin than important river basins Governor
appointment of reserve forest areas in other private forests Governor
unspecification of reserve forest areas because of lapse of reason for appointment by governor Governor
unspecification of reserve forest areas because of public interests by Governor Governor
connection of application of appointment or unspecification of reserve forest areas to Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Governor
1 Measurement Law 51 1992 notification of specific measuring tools producing business Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Governor
1, 3, 5 Measurement Law 51 1992 notification of specific measuring tools fixing business Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
1 Measurement Law 51 1992 notification of succession of special container producing business National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan Electric Meters Inspection Corporation
1 Measurement Law 51 1992 notification of succession of business of producing successor Governor
3, 5 Measurement Law 51 1992 connection of notification of specific measuring tools producing business Governor
notification of specific measuring tools sales business Governor
implementation of affairs designated to Governor in article 168-8 Governor
2, 3, 4, 5 Large-Scale Retail Stores Location Law 91 1999 notification of setting up large-scale retail stores Mayor of the designated city, Governor
1 Alcohol Business Law 36 2000 permission of alcohol producing business Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
permission of alcohol import business Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
permission of alcohol sales business Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
permission of usage of alcohol Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
1 Law concerning enforcement Destroy and Collection of Freon in specific products 64 2001 permission of business of destroying of Freon Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Environment
2, 4 Law concerning enforcement Destroying and Collection of Freon in specific products 64 2001 implementation of affairs designated to cities Mayor of the designated city
3, 5 Law concerning enforcement Destroy and Collection of Freon in specific products 64 2001 first class collector of Freon Governor
second class collector of specific products Governor
second class collector of Freon Governor
1 mining law 289 1950 permission of application of setting of mining right Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
registration of setting of mining right to original record Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
permission of application of setting of original mining right Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
registration of setting of original mining right to original record Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
1 Deep Ocean Minerals Interim Law 64 1982 permission of deep ocean minerals Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
1 Oil Stockpiling Law 96 1975 registration of oil import business Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
1 Explosives Control Law 149 1950 Implementation of examination for issuing certification of first class and second class director of safety of producing explosives Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Designated Examination Organization
1, 3, 5 Explosives Control Law 149 1950 implementation of examination for issuing certification of first, second and third class director of safety of producing explosives Designated Examination Organization, Governor
1 High Pressure Gas Control Law 149 1967 issuing certificates of manager of facilities for high pressure gas High Pressure Gas Safety Institute of Japan
1 Electrical Engineering Technician Law 139 1960 issuing certificates of directors and workers of electrical works Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
3, 5 Electrical Engineering Technician Law 139 1960 issuing certificates of electrical engineering technician Governor
1, 3, 5 Electrical Contractor Business Law 96 1970 registration of electrical contractor business Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Governor
3, 5 Law concerning Security and Proper Business of Liquefied Petroleum Gas 149 1967 issuing certificates of manager of facilities for liquefied petroleum gas Governor
1 Specific Household Appliance Recycling Law 97 1999 recognition of specific household appliance recycling Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Environment
1, 3, 5 Construction Business Law 100 1949 permission of construction business Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Governor
1 Construction Business Law 100 1949 implementation of skill screening Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Designated Examination Organization
1 Construction Business Law 100 1949 issue of certificates of qualification of administrative engineer Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
1 Septic Tank Law 43 1983 issuing certificates of manager of facilities for septic tank Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
1 Septic Tank Law 43 1983 registration of septic tank business Governor
1, 3, 5 Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Law 176 1952 licensing building lots and buildings transaction business Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Governor
3, 5 Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Law 176 1952 registration of qualification of chief manager for building lots and buildings transaction Governor
3, 5 Law concerning Recycling Material in Construction Works 104 2001 registration of demolition work business Governor
1 Law concerning Promotion of Proper Control of Condominium Building 149 2001 registration of manager of proper control of condominium building Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
1 Law concerning Promotion of Proper Control of Condominium Building 149 2001 registration of control of condominium building business Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
1 Travel Agency Law 239 1952 registration of travel agency Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
1 Travel Agency Law 239 1952 implementation of examination for chief experts of travel agency Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
