日本財団 図書館

2.3 Wind force and moment coefficients
 Fig.7 shows the coordinate system of the model and definitions of forces and moment. The forces in the horizontal plane with respect to the wind is the drag force D, positive in the wind direction, and the cross force L, positive to the right when facing into the wind. The moment M for the vertical axis in the X-Y plane is the yawing moment. The α is the angle of the apparent wind based on the rigid wing sail. The β and the γ are the slat and the boom angle respectively.
 The lift, drag forces and the moment coefficients are defined in non-dimensional forms as follows:
CL = L/(1/2ρAU2S)
CD = D/(1/2ρAU2S) (1)
CM = M/(1/2ρAU2S)
 Here, ρA; density of air, U; velocity of wind. S; lateral projected area, C ; chord length.
 S is defined as the sum of the lateral projected area of the wing sail with the slat on the basis of X-axis at each setting and the area of the soft sail, that is, S slightly depends on the slat angle β. C is obtained from S/H, which H is height of the sail as in Fig.4 and Fig.5. The aspect ratio (AR) is defined as H2/S.
 The relationship between course direction of a ship and each wind force coefficient is shown in Fig.8. The thrust and side force coefficients Cx, CY, which have influence on the voyage of a ship, are defined as follows:
Cx = CLsinθ - CDcosθ (2)
CY = CLcosθ + CDsinθ
Fig.7 Coordinate system and definitions
Relationship between course direction of a ship and thrust by the wind
2.4 Experimental results and discussions
 All experiments were carried out in uniform steady flow. The wind velocity is 8m/s. In this case, the Reynolds number used the average chord of the model is about 2 × 105. It is confirmed that CL and CD are almost constant under the region of the Reynolds number. The list of the experiments is shown in Table 1. The results of each subject are shown in the figure from next sections.
Table 1 Experimental list
Subject Case Slat RSH SS AR Figure
Aspect ratio
(High mast)
LH1 L 1000 Sq-200 2.63 Fig.9
LH2 Sq-250 2.34
LH3 Sq-300 2.11
LH4 Sq-400 1.73
LH5 Sq-500 1.47
LH6 Tri-450 2.48
Aspect ratio
(Low mast)
LL1 L 500 Sq-300 1.06 Fig.10
LL2 Sq-500 0.75
LL3 Sq-600 0.65
Form of SS
(Low mast)
LL1 L 500 Sq-300 1.06 Fig.11
FLL1 Trape-400 1.06
FLL2 Trape-500 1.06
FLL3 Tri-600 1.06
Parts LH6 L 1000 Tri-450 2.48 Fig.13
PH1 L 1000 non -
PH2 non 1000 Tri-450 -
PH3 non 1000 non -
Slat LH6 L 1000 Tri-450 2.48 Fig.14
SHI S 1000 Tri-450 2.64
RSH; Height of Rigid Sail [mm], SS; Soft Sail, AR; Aspect Ratio, L; Large Slat, S; Small Slat, non; non-existance
[SS Column] Sq; Square Sail, Tri; Triangular Sail, Trape; Trapezium Sail, Number; Base length of the Soft Sail [mm]
Fig. 9 
Aerodynamic characteristics of the high mast sail with different aspect ratios (AR=1.47〜2.63, β=35deg, γ=30deg)
