Location of Major Shipyards and Works
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5 Kawasaki Shipbuilding Corporation
Kobe Shipyard Sakaide Shipyard
6 Koyo Dockyard Co., Ltd.
7 Minaminippon Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
8 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Nagasaki Shipyard Kobe Shipyard
Shimonoseki Shipyard
Yokohama Dockyard
9 Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Chiba Works Yura Works Tamano Works
10 Naikai Zosen Corporation
Setoda Works
11 Namura Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Imari Shipyard
12 Onomichi Dockyard Co., Ltd.
Onomichi Shipyard
13 Oshima Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Oshima Shipyard
14 Sanoyas Hishino Meisho Corporation
Mizushima Shipyard
15 Sasebo Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
Sasebo Shipyard
16 Shin Kurushima Dockyard Co., Ltd.
Onishi Shipyard
17 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Marine & Engineering Co., Ltd.
Yokosuka Shipyard
18 Toyohashi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Toyohashi Works
19 Tsuneishi Corporation
Tsuneishi Factory Tadotsu Factory
20 Universal Shipbuilding Corporation
Keihin Shipyard Maizuru Shipyard Innoshima Shipyard Ariake Shipyard Tsu Shipyard
Note: Shipyards shown on the map have an over 30,000GT, or two 25,000GT facilities
Chronology of Japanese Shipbuilding
・The Shipbuilders' Association of Japan (SAJ) and the Japanese Shipowners' Association (JSA) were organized.
・The government-sponsored shipbuilding program started.
・First postwar ship export order was received for two Norwegian whalers.
・Japan/New York liner service was inaugurated.
・Japan/Europe liner service was inaugurated. The Allied Occupation Forces returned control of Japanese merchant ships to Japanese authorities.
・The Council for Rationalization of Shipping and Shipbuilding Industries (CRSSI) was set up.
・The Temporary Law for Co-ordination of Shipbuilding was promulgated.
・Japan Ship Exporters' Association was established.
・The first export ship boom started.
・Japan led the world in ship launchings with 325 ships aggregating 1,746,425GT, according to Lloyd's Register of Shipping.
・The Japan-Soviet Trade Agreement was signed (implications for shipbuilders: fishing boats for herring, tuna, etc.).
・NBC's 114,000DWT tanker, the world's first 100,000-ton class oil tanker, was completed.
・Ishikawajima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. merged with Harima Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
・The Ministry of Transport (MOT) announced its five-year program for merchant fleet build-up.
・The world's first automated ship, 9,800DWT "Kinkasan Maru" was completed.
・The world's largest 132,000DWT tanker "Nissho Maru" was completed.
・OECD Board of Directors, Industrial Committee Working Party 5 (Shipbuilding) was established, and Japan participated in it from its first meeting.
・A plan for building 20.5 million GT of domestic vessels was formulated under the government's medium-term economic program.
・Three Mitsubishi Industrial companies amalgamated to form the existing Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
・Japan joined the OECD; her contacts with West European shipbuilding nations were activated.
・The First Contact Committee Meeting of the Shipbuilders' Association of Japan and the West European Shipbuilders Informal Contact (WESIC) was held in London.
・OECD Board of Directors, Special Working Committee for shipbuilding was established.
・Japan Ship Center (JSC) was established.
・WESIC was reorganized and renamed the Association of West European Shipbuilders (AWES).
・The world's largest 210,000DWT tanker "Idemitsu Maru" was completed.
・Special Working Party of the Board of Directors of OECD was reorganized and renamed the "OECD Board of Directors, Working Party 6".
・The Shipbuilding Research Center of Japan was established.
・Mitsui Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., Ltd. merged with Fujinagata Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., Ltd.
・The world's largest 326,000DWT tanker "Universe Ireland" was completed.
・Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. merged with Kure Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., Ltd.
・The Shipbuilding Industry Labor and Management Conference was set up.
・Understanding on Exort Credit for Ships was first resolved by the OECD Council.
・Japan's first nuclear-powered ship "Mutsu" was launched.
・Uraga Dock Co., Ltd. and Sumitomo Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. merged into Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.
・Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. merged with Kawasaki Rolling Stock Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Kawasaki Aircraft Co., Ltd.
・100% liberalization of corporate capitalization for Japanese shipbuilders.
・Ship export contracts began to be quoted in Yen as the fear of Yen's revaluation increases.
・The world's first super-automated ship, the 138,000DWT tanker "Seiko Maru", was completed.
・Domestic shipbuilding orders (7.74 million GT) surpassed export shipbuilding orders for the first time in 10 years.
・Japanese shipbuilders suffered from substantial exchange losses due to revaluation of the Yen-based shipbuilding contracts increase in number.
・The world's largest 377,000DWT tanker "Nisseki Maru" was completed.
・Hitachi Zosen merged with Maizuru Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
・OECD's working party on shipbuilding held its meeting for the first time in Tokyo.
・The world's largest 483,000DWT tanker "Globtik Tokyo" was completed.
・Yen was floated.
・The oil crisis broke out.
・The highest-ever level (33.79 million GT) of newbuilding orders achieved, in terms of building permits issued.
・Newbuilding orders dropped drastically due chiefly to the over tonnage of tankers.
・The world's largest tanker, 484,000DWT "Nissei Maru" was completed.
・First LNG carrier was completed in Japan.
・The world newbuilding completion recorded the highest, 34.203 million GT.
・The CRSSI, predicting shipbuilding demand in 1980 at 6.5 million GT and shipyards' operating ratio at 65% recommended curtailment of shipbuilding capacity; the MOT issued its administrative guidance on shipbuilding prices.
・The MOT issued a ministerial recommendation concerning conduct of business to 40 major shipbuilding companies, setting the upper limits on operating hours for fiscal 1977 and 1978.
・The MOT implemented guidance to raise export ship prices by 5%, the OECD's working party on shipbuilding met in Tokyo.
・The MOT issued the second ministerial recommendation concerning business conduct to 45 major shipbuilding companies, and setting the upper limits on operating hours for fiscal 1978 and 1979.
・Backlog orders of Japanese shipbuilders fell below the 10 million GT level.
・Development of energy-saving marine diesel propulsion plants and system progressed.
・Shipbuilding permitted issued for fiscal 1978 drop to 3.22 million GT, only 9.5% of the 33.79 million GT recorded in the peak year of 1973.
・Estimating Japan's existing shipbuilding capacity at 9.8 million Compensated Gross Registered Tons (CGRT) and predicting demand for oceangoing ship construction in 1980 and 1985 at 2.5 million CGRT and 6.4 million CGRT, respectively, the CRSSI recommended implementation of 35% curtailment of current capacity and taking appropriate financial, demand-creating and employment measures.
・Shipbuilders using shipbuilding berths or docks large enough for the construction of 5,000 GT or bigger ships were designated as a specifically depressed industry under the Law concerning Provisional Measures or the Stabilization of Specified Depressive Industries, and a basic program for stabilization was promulgated for the disposal of 35% of the existing shipbuilding facilities.
・The Association for the Stabilization of Specified Shipbuilding Enterprises was established mainly to take charge of the purchases of superfluous shipbuilding facilities.
・The MOT implemented the third ministerial recommendation concerning the operating ratios in fiscal 1979 and 1980 on a CGRT basis to reduce them to 39% of the peak level.
・Association on The Ship Scrapping Promotion was established.
・A depression cartel was formed under the Antimonopoly Law to virtually take over the production curb under the ministerial recommendation, thereby enabling the shipbuilding industry to voluntary adjust its production activities until fiscal 1980.
・The Fair Trade Commission approved the recession cartel for fiscal 1981 as applied to by 35 major shipbuilding companies.
・The disposal of superfluous shipbuilding facilities by an average of 35% was completed, thereby reducing building berths and docks from 138 to 88 in number.
・The world's largest ore carrier 267,889DWT "Hitachi Venture" was completed.
・The Fair Trade Commission approved the recession cartel for fiscal 1981 as applied to by 35 major shipbuilding companies.
・The disposal of superfluous shipbuilding facilities by an average of 35% was completed, thereby reducing building berths and docks from 138 to 88 in number.
・The Minister of Transport issued his administrative guidance to 33 major and medium-size shipbuilders for adjustment of their yard operation to 74% of capacity in fiscal 1983, and to 68%, in fiscal 1984.
・Large-volume orders for energy-saving handy type bulk carriers were received by shipbuilders.
・Meeting of OECD Working Party 6 was held in Tokyo.
・Monte Carlo Meeting of SAJ/AWES was held.
・The MOT started research on the "Long Term Vision for the Shipbuilding Industry."
・The MOT intensified monitoring of ship prices, to improve the price of ships.
・Regular meetings initiated between the MOT and the Republic of Korea's Department of Commerce and Industry concerning Japan-Korea shipbuilding problems.
・A summit meeting by SAJ and AWES was held in Singapore.
・Japan Foundation for Shipbuilding Advancement announced its study and research results on the "Long Term Vision for the Shipbuilding Industry".
・An industry was submitted to the CRSSI on how the future measures for the business stabilization and revitalization of shipbuilding enterprises should be oriented.
・The CRSSI reported to the MOT measures for stabilizing and revitalizing shipbuilding industries.
・Japan and the Republic of Korea exchanged views on shipbuilding problems at both government and private levels.
・Temporary Measures Law Concerning Operation Stabilization of Designated Shipbuilding Enterprises was proclaimed and promulgated in April 1, 1987 to promote optimal production capacity or management as well as systematic disposition of excessive facilities of shipbuilding enterprises capable of building ships of 5,000GT or over.
・Based on the above law, basic policies were established and revealed on June 9 regarding the stabilizing management, business cooperation improvement of production facilities, business diversification, etc.
・Among the major shipbuilding enterprises in Japan, the antirecession cartel was formed under the Antimonopoly Law and instead of MOT's guidelines, it adjusted shipyard operation. Shipbuilding in 1987 was limited to 3,000,000 CGT on the ship-launching basis.
・In line with the Temporary Measures Law for Stabilizing Operation of Designated Shipbuilding Enterprises, shipbuilding capacity was reduced by 24%, and groupings of major shipbuilders were reduced to eight.
・Antirecession cartel continued, and shipbuilding in 1988 was limited to 2,400,000CGT on a ship-launching basis.
・The CRSSI reported to the MOT on measures to be taken to secure the future of the shipbuilding industry.
・The OECD WP6 held in Tokyo.
・The Designated Shipbuilding Enterprises Stabilization Association was reorganized into the Association for Structural Improvement of the Shipbuilding Industry with a view to revitalizing the world shipbuilding industry and achieving further sophistication of marine transport. The responsibilities of the reorganized association include promotion of technical development projects for ships of the next generation.
・The Shipbuilders Council of America files a petition under Section 301 of the U.S. Trade Act against Japan, the ROK, West Germany and Norway, and the matter was to be resolved through multilateral consultation.
・The first postwar Japanese-built large passenger ship was completed.
・Along with the improvement of the shipping market, orders on newbuildings increased.
・Reduction of Governmental assistance measures actively discussed for improving market environment at OECD.
・Cruising age opened by successive completion of large oceangoing cruising ships including "Crystal Harmony".
・Basic R&D on Techno-Superliner (TSL) and Advanced Diesel engine Development (ADD) stepped ahead.
・The CRSSI presented a report to the Ministry of Transport on The Future Course of Japanese Shipbuilding Policy Toward The 21st Century.
・Temporary Measures Law Concerning Operation Stabilization of Designated Shipbuilding Enterprises was repealed.
・IMO reported proposals for new regulations on oil carrier hull structures.
・Sea trials of the first superconducting electromagnetic propulsion (SEMP) experimental ship, Yamato 1, was completed.
・Japan's first double hull VLCC was completed, which satisfies requirements for the revised MARPOL adopted at the 32nd Marine Environment Protection Committee effective July 1993.
・Construction of the two prototypes of the Techno-Superliner began for experiments at sea.
・The Council for Transport Technology submitted its reply to Inquiry No. 18 of the Minister of Transport on the "Basis of Development of Ship Technology to Prepare for a New Age."
・Accord was reached on the Agreement Respecting Normal Competitive Conditions in the Commercial Shipbuilding and Repair Industry at the OECD Working Party on Shipbuilding held in Paris in December.
・Sea trials on two prototypes (Hisho and Hayate) for the Techno-Superliner R&D project started, showing good results in the initial trials.
・The world's largest class LNG carriers were constructed successively for the Middle East-Japan route.
・The Technological Research Association of Mega-float was established to verify construction technology for huge floating structures (Mega-float).
・Agreement respecting Normal Competitive Conditions in the Commercial and Repair, which had been under the study at OECD Working Party on Shipbuilding, was ratified in Japan in June.
・The CRSSI presented a report on the future of the Japanese shipbuilding industry toward the 21st century to the MOT in July.
・Large container carriers were successively completed, and an order for the world's largest class container carrier was placed with a Japanese yard.
・Successive deliveries of container and bulk carriers were made. In particular, construction of overPanamax container carriers was notable. LNG carriers of the 130,000m3 class were built, and the membrane-type LNG carrier with a medium transport capacity also entered service.
・An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) called R-One Robot, which is equipped with a closed cycle diesel engine (CCDE) system succeeded in full-scale autonomous diving and oceanographic investigation trials.
・The Technological Research Association of Super Marine Gas Turbine (SMGT) was established to develop new marine engines for cleaner exhaust gas.
・Japan received new shipbuilding orders equivalent to 15,362,000GT in 1997, the largest tonnage ordered since 1973 when the oil crisis occurred.
・The CRSSI presented a supplementary report on measures for the small and medium shipbuilding industries, etc., to the MOT in December 1997.
・An one-kilometer Mega-Float was constructed and installed in the Yokohama port area to conduct various survey and research in order to provide the technical feasibility for use as an airport.
・The Structural Issues of the Japanese Shipbuilding Industry was reported by the study group in the MOT.
・Techno-Superliner (TSL), "Kibo", made an international test voyage to Shanghai in China.
・Japan and People's Republic of China exchanged views on shipbuilding issues at both government and private levels.
・The world orders for newbuildings recorded 46.09 million GT, exceeding 40 million GT for the first time since the first oil crisis in 1973.
・The MOT was reorganised into the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
・Under severe competitive conditions, separations including mergers of shipbuilding departments of Japanese heavy industry companies were noteworthy.
・The first meeting of OECD Special Negotiating Group (SNG) was held to establish normal competition conditions for the shipbuilding industry, and started with discussion about the framework for the international rules.
・Negotiations was fully advanced for settlement of the new shipbuilding agreement at the OECD meeting.
・The summit meeting of the world shipbuilding industry was attended by Chinese representatives.
・Japanese maritime-related organizations were reformed into independent corporations.
・Techno-Seaways Inc. was established as a new company between private companies for commercialization of the Techno Superliner. |