日本財団 図書館

◎村井 友秀
昭和53年 東京大学大学院国際関係論博士課程退学
53年 米国ワシントン大学国際問題研究所研究員(昭和56年まで)
平成5年 防衛大学校国際関係学科教授
9年 防衛大学校総合安全保障研究科教授
MURAl, Tomohide
1978 Doctorate Course in International Relations, Tokyo University Graduate School, Tokyo University (left the University)
1978〜 Researcher at the Institute of International Studies, University of Washington
1993 Professor, Faculty of International Relations, National Defense Academy
1997 Professor, Post Graduate School of Comprehensive Security, National Defense Academy
●Special Field of Study: International Dispute Discourse
●Books: Coauthor - "Introduction to Security" 2002, Aki Shobo Publishing Company
Written and Edited - "Mao Zedong" Scheduled to publish in 2003, Fuyo Shobo Publishing Company
◎金田 秀昭
岡崎研究所理事 元海上自衛隊護衛艦隊司令官
昭和43年 防衛大学校卒業(第12期生 機械工学)海上自衛隊入隊
平成5年 海幕防衛課長
6年 舞鶴地方総監部幕僚長
7年 第4護衛隊群司令
9年 統幕第5幕僚室長(政策担当)
10年 護衛艦隊司令官
11年 退職(海将)
○現在:慶応義塾大学総合政策学部 特別招聘教授
ハーバード大学アジアセンター 上席特別研究員
三菱総合研究所 主席専門研究員
岡崎研究所 特別研究員
日本戦略研究フォーラム 政策提言委員
Vice Admiral KANEDA, Hideaki (Ret.)
1968 Graduated from National Defense Academy (12th Year NDA Cadet Majoring in Mechanical Engineering)
Joined the Maritime Self-Defense Force
1993 Chief , Defense Policy Division, Maritime Staff Office
1994 Chief of Staff Maizuru Regional District (HQ)
1995 Commander, Escort Force 4th
1997 Chief, 5th Staff Office, Joint Staff Council (in charge of Policy)
1998 Commander, Escort Fleet, (Vice Admiral)
1999 Retired
●Current Work:
*Special Invited Professor. General Policy Department, Keio University
*Senior Special Researcher, Asian Center of Harvard University
*Special Researcher, Okazaki Institute
*Policy Proposal Committee Member, Japan Strategic Study Forum
* "Introduction to Ballistic Missile Defense - What the BMD Is about to Japanese people -" February, 2003, Kaya Shobo Publishing Company
* "Military Relations between China and Taiwan and Beginning of U.S. -China Power Game over the Sea Supremacy - Bush Administration's Security Policy over the East Asia and Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements -" March. 2003, Japan Institute for International Affairs
* "Need to Improve the Peace-time Defense Legislation - Structuring Peace-time Defense and Guard System Based on the Right of Self-Defense -" November, 2003, World and Nippon
◎廣瀬 肇
昭和42年 海上保安大学校卒業
47年 大阪大学法学部大学院博士課程中退
62年 海上保安大学校教授
平成15年 退官
HAJIME, Hirose
1967 Graduated from Coast Guard Academy
1972 Doctorate Course, Graduate School, Faculty of Jurisprudence, University of Osaka (Left in Half)
Assistant Lecturer, Coast Guard Academy
1987 Professor, Coast Guard Academy
2003 Retired from Government Service
* Professor, Faculty of Social Information, Kure University
* Emeritus Professor of Coast Guard Academy
* Visiting Professor, International Ocean Policy Center of the Coast Guard Academy
◎笹島 雅彦
昭和55年 早稲田大学政治経済学部政治学科卒業 読売新聞社入社
61年 米ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学高等国際問題研究大学院(SAIS)修了(MA取得)
平成12年 調査研究本部研究員
Sasajima Masahiko
Research Fellow, Yomiuri Research Institute
 After graduating from Waseda University in 1980 with a degree of B.A. in political science, Sasajima joined the staff of the Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper. From 1986 to 1988, he completed a master's degree at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University. He has worked in the Yomiuri's political news department, as its resident correspondent in Beijing, and concurrently in its Political News Department and Commentary and News Analysis Department. He assumed his present position as research fellow in the Yomiuri Research Institute in July 2000. Sasajima was recently a visiting lecturer at the Graduate School of Journalism, University of California, Berkeley.
◎山崎 眞
(株)日立製作所顧問 元海上自衛隊自衛艦隊司令官
昭和40年 防衛大学校卒業(第9期、機械工学)
41年 海上自衛隊幹部候補生学校卒業 艦隊勤務、米国留学等
59年 護衛艦あきぐも艦長
60年 米国海軍大学留学
63年 第43護衛隊司令
平成4年 第1護衛隊郡司令
5年 練習艦隊司令官
6年 海上幕僚幹部 装備部長
9年 大湊地方総監
10年 自衛艦隊司令官
11年 退職
12年 日立製作所ディフェンスシステム事業部顧問、伊藤忠商事航空宇宙電子部門顧問
 Vice Admiral Makoto YAMAZAKI, a native of Gifu prefecture, graduated from the National Defense Academy in 1965.
 After tours of 3 types of destroyers he studied TARTAR missile system at Guided Missiles Schools, Mare Island and Dam Neck.
 Vice Admiral Yamazaki served as a Missile Battery Officer on DDG163 AMATSUKAZE and DDG168 TACHIKAZE. Then he served as the Weapons Officer on DDG163 AMATSUKAZE and visiting Long Beach for missile system SQT in 1979. He then joined the Program Generation Center, Yokosuka as the first shore duty prior to one year tour at UNIVAC, Valencia, CA where he Worked for the combat system development of the new DDG.
 In 1982, he reported to the Defense Planning Division of Maritime Staff Office, Tokyo. VADM Yamazaki assumed the command of DDK120 AKIGUMO in 1984. He then studied in the US Naval War College, Newport as the class of 1986. After graduation, he served as the Chief, Surface/Subsurface Section, MSO and Worked for introducing AEGIS and SURTASS systems.
 VADM Yamazaki returned to sea as the Commander, Escort Division 43 and Participated in RIMPAC 88. He became the Head of Systems Programs division, MSO in 1989. In 1992, he assumed command of Escort Flotilla One and promoted RADM.
 After fourteen months of sea duty, he reported the MSO as the Inspector General. In 1993, he assumed command of Training of Squadron where he commanded oversea training cruise for midshipmen visiting four countries in North/Central America. He was assigned the Director, Logistics Department, MSO in 1994. Then he was assigned the Commandant, Ohminato Naval District and promoted VADM in March 1997.
 VADM Yamazaki then assigned the Commander In Chief, Self Defense Fleet in 1998. As the CINCSF he commanded the Japanese first sea protection operation during spy ships incident and also commanded Teapo Dong Ballistic Missile tracking operation by AEGIS destroyer.
 In 1999, he retired JMSDF. After retirement, he is belonging to the HITACHI Ltd and the ITOUCHU Corp as the senior advisor.
 He has the LEGION OF MERIT medal received from the US Government.
◎青木 稔
東洋建設(株)顧問 元海上保安大学校校長
昭和42年 海上保安大学校(航海科)卒業
62年 塩釜海上保安部巡視船ざおう航海長
平成元年 大阪海上保安監部岸和田海上保安所長
3年 青森海上保安部長
5年 第五管区海上保安本部警備救難部長
7年 海上保安庁警備救難部航行安全課航行指導室長
8年 海上保安庁教育訓練課長
9年 第三管区海上保安本部次長
11年 第十管区海上保安本部長
12年 海上保安大学校校長
14年 退官
Minoru AOKI
Mar.1967 Graduated from Coast Guard Academy (Navigation)
Aug.1987 Chief Navigation Officer of Patrol Vessel ZAOU, Shiogama Coast Guard Office
Apr.1989 Chief of Kishiwada Coast Guard Station, Osaka Coast Guard Office
Apr.1991 Chief of Aomori Coast Guard Office
Apr.1993 Director of Guard and Rescue Department, 5th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters
Apr.1995 Head of Navigation Guidance Office, Guard and Rescue Department, Headquarters
Apr.1996 Director of Education and Training Division, Administration Department, Headquarters
Oct.1997 Deputy Commander of 3rd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters
Apr.1999 Commander of 10th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters
Apr.2000 Superintendent of Coast Guard Academy
Apr.2002 Retirement from Office
ditto An Adviser to the Toyo Construction Co., Ltd.
◎夏川 和也(議長)
(株)日立製作所特別顧問 元防衛庁統合幕僚会議議長
昭和37年 防衛大学校(6期)卒、同年海上自衛隊入隊。
平成6年 佐世保地方総監
8年 海上幕僚長
9年 統合幕僚会議議長
11年 退官
Admiral Kazuya NATSUKAWA (Ret.)
Advisor, Hitachi Ltd.
Chairman, Joint Staff Council (Retired)
1962 Graduated from the Defense Academy (6th year) and joined the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
Since that time Admiral Natsukawa has served as a pilot, in active duty as Commander of the 5th Flying Corps (Okinawa) and Commander of the 1st Flying Group (Kanoya), while acting in a variety of capacities, chief of which are General Affairs Manager of the Marine Staff and Manager of the Personnel Training Department.
1994 Inspector General of the Sasebo Region
1996 Marine Chief of Staff
1999 Retired
◎秋山 昌廣
昭和39年 東京大学法学部政治学科卒業 大蔵省入省
平成元年 東京税関長
2年 大蔵省大臣官房審議官(銀行局担当)
3年 防衛庁長官官房防衛審議官(防衛局担当)
4年 防衛庁人事局長
5年 防衛庁経理局長
7年 防衛庁防衛局長
9年 防衛庁事務次官
10年 防衛庁退官
11年 ハーバード大学客員研究員
13年 シップ・アンド・オーシャン財団会長
14年 学習院大学特別客員教授(安全保障)
Masahiro AKIYAMA
Chairman, Ship & Ocean Foundation
Visiting Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan
Education: Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo, Japan
 Akiyama joined the Ministry of Finance in 1964. He held positions as Director-General of the Tokyo Customs and Deputy Director-General of the Banking Bureau, which both belong to the Ministry of Finance. In 1991, he moved to the Defense Agency and held posts as Director-General of the Bureau of Personnel, Director-General of the Bureau of Finance, Director-General of the Bureau of Defense Policy, and Administrative Vice Minister until his retirement in 1998. He studied on security and ocean-related issues as a visiting scholar at Harvard University from 1999 to 2001. He also served as Visiting Professor of Gakushuin University, 2002. Some of his works are "The Global Strategy of United States and Independence of Japan"and "The Dialog of Strategy Begins between Japan and United States" (both in Japanese).
