日本財団 図書館

2. Multi-Modal Approach
■Hierarchical Use of UPTS
■Intermodal Facilities
■Combination with Personal Modes
■Transport Demand Management (TDM)
3. Step-wise Approach
■Long-term Goal
■Step-wise Network Expansion Approach
■Step-wise System Evolution Approach
4. A few tips for Hanoi at Present
1. User-oriented LOS management for some major routes
2. Time-dependent exclusive bus-lanes
3. Priority traffic signal control
4. Anti- "Broken Window Effect"
5. Early Acquisition of "Right of Way"
■Before Urbanization/Concentration
6. Land-Use Control
■City Structure Policy
■Site Development Policy
■Transit-Oriented Development
7. Financing Schemes
■Fuel Tax for Transport Investment
■Private/Public Partnership
■Combination with Site Development
8. Overall suggestions
1. Strong will
2. Selected but integrated approach
3. Practical and outcome-oriented policies
4. Marketing and involvement of the people
