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Report of the 8th meeting of ISO/TC 8/SC 2, Oslo, Norway, 2002-06-06
添付資料 14
Doc. nr.
ISO/TC 8/SC 2 N 82
Date: 2002-06-18   Total Pages: 4
Item: Report of the 8th meeting of ISO/TC 8/SC 2 held in Oslo, Norway, 2002-06-06
Secretariat: United States Coast Guard
Commandant (G-MSO-4) 2100 2nd St., SW. Washington, DC 20593-0001 USA
Phone: +1 202 267 1354
Fax: +1 202 267 4690
E-Mail: snewsham@comdt.uscg.mil
Title: Marine Environment Protection
Secretariat: ANSI (United States)
1 Opening of the Meeting
The Chairman, Mr. Joseph Angelo (USA) opened the meeting, expressing the Committees appreciation to Norsk Teknologistandardisering and Det Norske Veritas for hosting the meetings of both Working Group 3 and the Subcommittee.
2 Roll Call of Delegates
7 participants from 5 member countries attended the meeting. Apologies were received previously from Netherlands. The attendance list is annexed to this report.
3 Adoption of the Agenda
The agenda, as circulated in SC 2 N80, was accepted by the delegates with the following resolution.
Resolution 59- Adoption of the Agenda
SC2 adopts the draft agenda circulated in SC 2 N 80
4 Appointment of the Drafting Committee
With Resolution 60 the drafting committee was appointed.
Resolution 60- Appointment of Drafting Committee
SC 2 appoints the following members of the Drafting Committee: Mr. S. Rickaby (UK) and Mr. S. Newsham (Secretadat). Resolutions will be drafted in English only.
5 Report of the Secretariat
The Secretary reviewed SC 2's current structure, participation, liaisons and programme of work. No new members have been added over the past year, while Sweden has changed status from P to 0.
The Secretary noted that the SC 2's second completed work product, ISO 16446:2002 (Adaptor for joining dissimilar connectors) was published in April. Progress continues to be made on AWl 21072 and the details on that item will be provided in the Report of the Working Group.
In accordance with SC2 Resolution 53, AWl 21072 has been separated into two distinct standards (one for performance testing of oil barriers and one for performance testing oil skimmers). AWl 23268 is now test and certification of oil barriers.
In accordance with the Technical Management Board's Resolution 8/2001 regarding late work items, the Central Secretariat has cancelled AWl 17989 Temporary storage devices.
Resolution 61 - Report of the Secretariat
SC 2 accepts the report of the Secretariat.
6 Report of WG3
SC 2 received a verbal report of the activities of WG 3 since the last SC 2 meeting. Mr. S Rickaby (UK) recalled WG 3's efforts of the previous two days to review, discuss and continue work on AWl 21072 - Performance testing of skimmers. The group made significant progress in merging the draft documents submitted by Germany and Norway into one working draft. There was agreement that sections 1 through 5.3 of the working document were approved and would not be reviewed further by the working group. Work would continue beginning with section 5.4.
The participants in WG 3 indicated their desire to progress this standard to the balloting stage as soon as possible and felt that the drafting work could be completed with another two day working group meeting. It was felt that a meeting in London prior to the IMO's MEPC 48 meeting would be feasible. September 26-27 were proposed as tentative dates.
Resolution 62- Report of Working Group 3
SC 2 notes the verbal report for WG 3 by Mr. S. Rickaby and the intention of the Working Group to schedule its next meeting for the period 26-27 September, 2002 in London, UK, hosted by the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology to further develop the standard on Performance Testing of Oil Skimmers.
7 Items for Future Work
.1 Test and performance specification for oil water separators
Mr. D. Howard (UK) updated SC2 on the IMO's efforts to reach agreement on oily water separator specifications, in particular the issues of test fluids and testing procedures. There is optimism that these can be resolved at the next meeting of the Ship Design and Equipment Subcommittee (DE) in March 2003. SC 2 noted the good progress and did not see a need for SC 2 action at this time.
Resolution 63 - Oil water separators
SC 2 notes the continued good progress made at IMO towards the goal of reaching consensus on oily water separator specifications at the 46th meeting of the Ship Design and Equipment Subcommittee (DE) in March 2003. SC2 will await the outcome of this meeting before deciding on any further action.
.2 Shipboard handling of ship generated waste
Mr. J. Jendrossek (GE) stated that Germany is continuing work on a draft standard and expects to complete this by the end of 2002.
.3 Committee discussion of work programme
SC2 conducted a review of its work programme as requested by TC8/AG N565. Considering each possible proposal for a new work item, the members identified those (1) where standards should be developed as soon as possible; (2) that are under consideration with a lower priority; (3) that are dormant or inactive; and (4) that should be cancelled or transferred to another subcommittee.
While none were identified as areas where standards were needed as soon as possible (category 1), four (4) were identified as subjects that should be considered in the near future given their relevance to IMO and international activity. As there was no identified immediacy surrounding these, they were placed in category 2. Fifteen (15) were identified as potential areas for future work while seventeen (17) were identified for cancellation and two (2) for transfer to another subcommittee.
Resolution 64- Review of work programme
SC 2 asks the Secretary to forward to TCB the results of the review of its work programme as requested by TC8/AG N565.
8 Requirements Concerning a Subsequent Meeting
SC 2 examined whether the current working arrangements of WG 3 and SC 2 is effective and acceptable. There was agreement that WG 3 needed to continue meeting to develop the standards on its work program, and the timetable for WG 3 and SC 2 meetings should remain flexible and be based on clearly identified needs.
Germany stated that it wished to host the next meeting of SC2 in Hamburg in June 2003 and would provide additional details in due course. SC2 accepted the kind offer of Germany and took the following resolution.
Resolution 65- Future Meetings
SC2 agrees that it needs to continue meeting to develop standards, plan its work an take decisions. Germany expressed its desire to host the 9th annual meeting of SC2 in Hamburg in June 2003. The details will be finalised in due course.
9 Approval of Resolutions
The draft resolutions listed in SC 2 N81 were approved and are quoted in this report under relevant agenda items. Resolution 66 was taken to reflect this.
Resolution 66- Adoption of Resolutions
SC 2 adopts unanimously all resolutions taken at the 8th meeting. Document SC 2 N81 applies.
10 Closure of Meeting
SC 2 was unanimous in their high regard for the location and services provided by the Norsk Teknologistandardisering and Det Norske Veritas in making the meeting a success. They also noted the upcoming retirement of the Secretary and the service he has provided to SC2. Resolution 67 was passed to formally note their appreciations. The Chairman then thanked the delegates for their preparations and participation, and closed the meeting.
Resolution 67- Appreciations
SC 2 expresses its deep appreciation to Norsk Teknologistandardisering and Det Norske Veritas for the excellent organizing and hosting of the meetings.
Noting that he is scheduled to retire from the U.S. Coast Guard in 2003, SC2 also expressed its deep appreciation to Mr. Scott Newsham for his excellent work as Secretary for SC2 since 1998 and wished him the best of luck in his future endeavors.
8th Meeting
Oslo, Norway
Joseph Angelo (Chair)    USA    jangelo@comdt.uscg.mil
Scott Newsham (Secretary)   USA   snewsham@oomdt.uscg.mil
David Howard   UK   dhoward@mcga.gov.uk
Jens Jendrossek   GE   jens-uwe, jendrossek@din.de
Bjorn Olaf Johannessen   NO   bjorn.olaf.johannessen@dvn.com
Simon Rickaby   UK   info@dvhowells,com
Hiroshi Tokuda   JA   koba-m@jmsa.or.jp
