日本財団 図書館

With regard to the standardization work of Mega-yachts, the Chairman explained the necessity to initiate the work of standardization in the field of Mega-yachts, because the rules should apply Mega-Yacht is different from cargo ships and passenger ships in design category of freeboard, stability and so on.
The Chairman requested Mr. Dolto, representing the Mega-yacht industry in France and excellent expert of TC188, Small Craft, to organize the working group and build the programme of the work items in association with industry side for the standardization work. Mr. Dolto suggested that industry side needs the endorsement of IMO.
The Chairman announced that he will contact Mr. Dolto to proceed the work in TC8.
Mr. Palomares, IMO, agreed with the Chairman's comment and explained that concept of Mega-yacht in IMO is now gray area, no rule has established, so applicable standards are expected extremely b both IMO and industry in a global point of view and he introduced the UK/MCA code on this matter. He also emphasized that IMO would ask ISO/TC8 to undertake this work.
Mr. Abram reported the result of discussion in ISO/TC188, Small Craft, Plenary meeting which was held at Victoria in June 2002 that TC188 recognized this work should be developed in TC8 and Italy, Norway, USA, UK, Japan and France in TC188 indicated their interest to develop the Mega-yachts Standards.
The Chairman announced that at first stage TC8 expects the finance from industry side to Mr. Dolto and secondly if it would be failed. TC8 have to initiate this work from TC8 itself. Then the next Resolution was made.
Noting that TC8 has been requested to initiate standards for Mega-yacht. TC8 members are requested to nominate the experts of their countries to undertake this work and report back to the Chairman and Secretary of TC8 by 1st January 2003.
With regard to the future work in TC8, the Chairman requested members of TC8 to think about where the TC8 are going, what areas TC8 should work.
The Chairman explained his intention as follows:
1947-1994 TC8 focused on equipment standards
1994-2001 TC8 focused on system standards such as Navigation standards, Bridge layout standard in terms of interface aspect
2002-2010 What areaTC8 should focus on ?
The Chairman introduced the examples such as Security issues, Safety issues, Environmental issues, Intermodal issues and so on, which TC8 would have priority in order to focus on for the next decade until 2010.
The Chairman indicated the categorization as follows:
Proactive - Write international standards for consideration by regulating bodies-Best solution
Reactive - Implement regulations
Dormant - Do nothing. Accept action of others- Not acceptable.
The chairman also introduced his idea on the areas to be focused as follows;
Safety: The ship is its own best lifeboat.
- Large passenger ships, especially fire protection.
- Ship recycling (scrapping)
- Ballast water management
- Waste disposal
Security and safety:
- Designing - in to new ships
- Focus on Port Interface
- Facilitate seamless movement of cargo, SOLAS coming ashore
New areas:
- High speed craft/ship
- Mega-yacht
Comments from each delegates were as follows;
The first issue is the relation between information technology (IT) and ship systems. We should pay more attention to the linkage of applications of IT and ship systems. In fact, ship is a platform indeed, but more importantly, ship is a kind of Large Scale System. The system is based on different systems onboard and is also integration of many systems on ship. Nowadays everyone knows that IT spreads out everywhere in the world. In our TC8, each SC can find its applications of IT. But if the applications of IT are independent or separated, we will have difficulties of getting these systems to work together very well. For example, we have main engine systems, power supply systems, navigation systems, ship bridge systems, and pilot systems and so on. Each system has its own local networks. This is a typical application of IT. But, do they communicate with each other well? How to share all of the data? Do we need unification of all these local networks? Actually, even every system works well, we still can not be sure that the Large Scale System works well. So what we should do is that "ship and marine technology" should give guidance to IT applications in each SCs. Let all of applications of IT be helpful to the whole Large Scale System, not only to individual systems. This is not only a task of IT applications, but is also ours.
Secondly, the issue of "safety and security" and intermodal. "safety and security" is a large topic. For us, the task is implementation of "safety and security" in intermodal. We should realize the goal of seamless connection between ships and ports. All containers, which are delivered among main international ports on ships, should be tracked and monitored all the way. We should play a very important role in this area. We should have some standards to assure "Design in" ships and the ships can interface well with port systems.
Thirdly, one is the issue of environment protection. This issue is also very important. The environment protection is also one of system engineering. In my opinion, the problem can not be resolved separately. System analysis is necessary and target of the analysis is to find how many problems should be settled and what kind relations among all these problems. We should select our strategy and our tactics in a way of step by step. Actually, we have already had some achievements in this area and we have still a lot of work to be done. I think that if we use system engineering methodology in environment protection, the results will be much better.
The Chairman pointed out to figure out good idea into plans.
Japan is interested in Environmental issues- Nox, SOx, Global warming, ship's recycling should be discussed in terms of how to measure and how to assess the matters.
The Chairman suggested that Japan could have important role about NOx and SOx issue at TC8/SC3 which has responsibility in TC8 under the leadership by manufacture side.
Republic Of Korea:
The problem is Subcommittee's membership, such as some WG consists of mainly European members and the other WG consists of Asian people only, so the WG and Subcommittee members should be consisted of members from world wide.
The Chairman agreed with the Korean comments and suggested that it is one of the way to solve the problem by publishing the standards and circulating the standards for majority's check.
The problem is 5 P-member's country support rule for the new work item proposals in TC8.
Each country who are in favor of the new work items should take a positive action to nominate the name of experts.
Turkey is interested in Safety and Security issues that have priority and also Environment issue must be ISO issues.
Participation issue is essential for TC8.
The United States is interested in all the topics the Chairman has presented, but of highest priority right now is of course Security. Of course ISO TC 8 is already taking a lead role in developing standards to improve security. One idea that came up in my conversation with Mr. Gutierrez of Spain yesterday is the idea of a set of ISO Maritime Security standards similar to ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 to be prepared under ISO/TC8.
Security concerns will inevitably slow down our ability to move ships and goods in and out of ports. This will have a devastating effect on our world's economy and, where ships compete with trucks and railroads, business will be lost to these land based transport systems. In the U.S. we are concerned with terrorism, in Europe countries are concerned with the unlawful entry of people. Other countries have similar concerns. As an example of the problem. Mr. Gutierrez was noting that a container loaded on a truck in Spain can travel all the way to Germany unimpeded. While that same container, if loaded on a vessel in a Spanish port, will be held up for Customs inspection in Hamburg.
Security locks and electronic manifests are helpful in solving some of the security concerns. However, authorities must have confidence that the container is "clean" or secure from start to finish - that what the manifest says is what truly is in the container and nothing more. The way to solve this problem is to ensure the company packing and sealing the container is "secure" and that the container remains secure throughout its travels. A set of ISO Security standards, similar to ISO 9000 where a company is independently audited and certified as being in compliance, could give government authorities the assurance they need. ISO TC 8 is a natural place to lead such an effort.
Mr. Palomares indicated Environmental issue related to MAPOL Annex6, especially Air pollution issue, such as NOx and SOx, harmful exhausted emission, would be one of the major issues in MEPC.
He also pointed out the issue of participation from member countries is key point, and he asked TC8 members to get in touch with IIMO delegation of each countries on this matter.
The Chairman expressed deep thanks for their comments, and requested secretary of TC8 to put these comments on the Report without summarizing the comments.
With regard to the security matters, Mr. Palomares introduced Prof. Lar Yun Gil (Rep. Of Korea), was newly appointed as a Chairman of IMO/MSC/Diplomatic Conference.
Mr. Hime announced the issue of the TC8 Newsletter N0.10 which he distributed to all the delegates. He asked members of TC8 to distribute to the industry and government.
Mr. Hime announced that regarding the ISO/TC8/SC5 secretary and Chairman, USA/ANSI would like to assume the Secretariat SC5, if there would be no other countries to be candidates and would like to nominate Mr. Jack Roeber as Secretary and Mr. Scott MacCroy as Chairman of SC5. He explained that Mr. Jack Roeber and Mr. Scott MacCroy have been working at Sperry Marine. TC8 requested the delegates of TC8 to vote on the US proposal and the same was approved unanimously by TC8 delegates.
Resolution 221
TC8 members accepted the offer from Mr. Hime, USA representative, and agreed unanimously to the appointment of Mr. Scott McCroy, (USA), as Chairman ,SCS and Mr. Jack Roeber (USA) , as secretary SC5.
The next items transferred to TC8/AG ;
1) 8N1000R7
2) Categorization of New work items, such as dormant , cancellation and transferring
・ 8 N 971 Resolutions 2lst meeting ISO/TC8, Busan , Rep.Of Korea, 2002-10-23/24
Resolution No.209 to No.221 are approved by the committee members of TC8.
Resolution 220
ISO/TC8 thanks Mr. Jeong Je Kim, Mr. Jae Wook Lee, Mr. Dong Chul Kim, Administrator of Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, KATS staff, Mr. Keh Sik Min, President and CEO Hyundai Heavy Industries. Mr. Sang Young Ahn, Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City, and the Korea Shipbuilders' Association for their excellent hospitality and for the excellent facilities provided for the 21st Plenary meeting in Republic of Korea
The Chairman thanked all the delegates for the excellent meeting and closed the 2lstTC8 Plenary meeting with the traditional blowing of the boatswain's pipe.
The Chairman expressed sincere appreciation to the staffs of KAS and KATS for their support to TC8 plenary meeting in Busan.
