日本財団 図書館

A Assembly(総会)
AA Area to be Avoided(避航水域)
AIS Automatic Identification System(自動船舶識別システム)
AMVER Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System(アンバー/米自動相互援助船舶航行システム)互援助船舶航行システム)
ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aids(自動レーダープロッテング装置)
AUSREP Australian Ship Reporting System(オースレップ/豪船位通報制度)
AWES The Association of West European Shipbuilders(西欧造船工業会)
BIMCO The Baltic and International Maritime Council(バルチック及び国際海事評議会)
BLG Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases(ばら積み液体・気体物質小委員会)
C Council(理事会)
CES Coastal Earth Station(海岸地球局)
CIRM International Radio Maritime Committee(国際海上通信委員会)
CMI International Maritime Committee(国際海事委員会)
COLREG Convention on the International Regulation for Preventing Collisions at Sea(海上における衝突の予防のための国際規則に関する条約)
COMSAR Sub-Committee on Radio Communications and Search and rescue(無線通信捜索救助小委員会)
COSPAS Space System for Search of Distressed Vessels(コスパス)
CRS Coast Radio Station(海岸無線局)
DE Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment(設備設計小委員会)
DG Drafting Group(起草部会)
DSC Sub-Committee on Carriage of Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers(危険物固体貨物コンテナ小委員会)
DSC Digital Selective Calling(ディジタル選択呼出)
DWR Deep Water Route(深水深航路)
EC European Community(ヨーロッパ共同体)
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display System(電子海図表示システム)
ENC Electrical Nautical Chart(航海用電子海図)
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio beacon(非常用位置指示無線標識) Satellite EPIRB(衛星系EPIRB)
E&P FORUM Oil Industry International Exploration and Production Forum(石油産業国際開発生産評議会)
FAL Facilitation Committee(簡易化委員会)
FOEL Friends of the Earth International(国際地球の友)
FP Sub-Committee on Fire Protection(防火小委員会)
FSI Sub-Committee on Flag State Implementation(旗国小委員会)
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System(海上における遭難及び安全の世界的な制度)
GPASL General Provisions for the Adoption, Designation and Substitution of Archipelagic Sea Lanes(群島航路帯手続き案)
GPS Global Positioning System (GPS)
DGPS Deferential GPS (デファレンシャルGPS)
HF High Frequency(短波)
HG Harmonizing Group(調和部会)
HMAC Hazardous Materials Advisory Council(危険材料諮問評議会)
IACS International Association of Classification Societies(国際船級協会会議)
IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors(国際掘削業者連合)
IAIN International Association of Institute of Navigation(国際航海協会連合)
IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities(国際航路標識協会)
IAPH International Association of Ports and Harbors(国際港湾協会)
IBA International Bar Association (国際棒材協会)
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization(国際民間航空機関)
ICC International Chamber of Commerce(国際商工会議所)
ICCL International Council of Cruise Lines(国際周遊船社協会)
ICFTU International Federation of Free Trade Union(国際自由労働連盟)
ICHCA International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association(国際貨物輸送調整会議)
ICS International Chamber of Shipping(国際海運会議所)
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission(国際電気標準会議)
IFSMA International Federation of Shipmasters′Association (国際船長協会連合)
IHO International Hydrographic Organization(国際水路機関)
IHB International Hydrographic Bureau(国際水路局)
ILF International Lifeboat Federation(国際救命艇連合)
ILO International Labor Organization(国際労働機関)
IMO International Maritime Organization(国際海事機関)
IMB International Maritime Bureau(国際海事局)
IMPA International Maritime Pilots′Association(国際水先人協会)
INA International Navigation Association (国際航法学会)
INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization(国際海事衛星機構)
INMARSAT International Mobile Satellite Organization(国際移動衛星機構)
INS Integrated Navigation System(統合航法システム)
INTERCARGO International Association of Dry Cargo Ship Owners(国際乾燥貨物船主協会)
INTERTANKO International Association of Independent Tanker Owners(国際タンカー船主協会)
IOPC Fund International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund(国際油濁基金)
IRU International Road Transport Union(国際道路運送連盟)
ISF International Shipping Federation(国際海運連盟)
ISMA International Ship Managers′Association (国際船舶管理連合)
ISO International Organization for Standardization(国際標準化機構)
ITOPF The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation(国際独立タンカー船主汚染連合)
ITU International telecommunication Union (国際電気通信連合)
ITZ Inshore Traffic Zone(沿岸通航帯)
IUMI International Union of Marine Insurance(国際海上保険連合)
JASREP Japanese Ship Reporting System(ジャスレップ/日本船位通報制度)
JETRO Japan External Trade Organization(日本貿易振興会)
JICA Japan International Co-operation Agency(国際協力事業団)
JNTO Japan National Tourists Association(日本観光振興会)
KOSREP Korea Ship Reporting System(コスレップ/韓国船位通報制度)
LASA Latin American Ship Owners′Association(ラテンアメリカ船主協会)
LC London Convention(ロンドン条約/廃棄物その他の物の投棄による海洋汚染の防止に関する条約)
LEG Legal Committee(法律委員会)
LF Low Frequency(長波)
LL International Convention on Load Lines(満載喫水線に関する国際条約)
LUT Local User Terminal(地域利用設備)
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships(船舶による汚染の防止のための国際条約)
MASTIS Maritime Traffic Information Service(マーチス)
MCC Mission Control Center(業務管理センター)
MEPC Maritime Environment Protection Committee(海洋環境保護委員会)
MF Middle Frequency(中波)
MID Maritime Identification Digits(海上識別数字)
MMSI Maritime Mobile Ship Identification(海上移動業務識別)
MSC Maritime Safety Committee(海上安全委員会)
MSI Maritime safety Information(海上安全情報)
NAV Sub-Committee of Safety of Navigation(航行安全小委員会)
NAVAREA World-Wide Navigational Warning Service Area(世界航行警報業務区域)
NAVTEX Narrow Band Direct Printing Transmission of Coastal Warning System(印字通信方式の世界航行警報)
NBDP Narrow Band Direct Printing(狭帯域直接印刷電信)
NVG Night Vision Goggles(暗視眼鏡)
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum(石油産業国際海事評議会)
OECF The Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund(海外経済協力基金)
OPRC International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation(油による汚染に係る準備、対応及び協力に関する国際条約)
OSPAR Project on Oil Spill Preparedness and Response in the ASEANN Sea Area(アセアン海域における油汚染に対する準備及び対応に関する国際協力計画)
PIANC Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses(永久国際航海会議協会)
POL Polar Orbiting Satellite Service(極軌道衛星業務)
PSTN Public Switched Telephone(公衆電話回線)
RCC Rescue Coordination Center(救助調整本部)
RCDS Raster Chart Display System(ラスター海図表示システム)
RNC Raster Nautical Chart(航海用ラスター海図)
RSC Rescue Sub-Center(救助支部)
SAR International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue(海上における捜索及び救助に関する国際条約)
SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite(サーサット)
SART Search and Rescue Radar Transponder(レーダー・トランスポンダー)
SES Ship Earth Station(船舶地球局)
SIGTTO Society of International Gas Tankers and Terminal Operators(国際ガスタンカー及び基地運営者協会)
SINGREP Singapore Ship Reporting System(シングレップ/星船位通報制度)
SLF Sub-Committee on Stability and Load Lines and on Fishing Vessel Safety(復元性満載喫水線漁船安全小委員会)
SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea(海上における人命の安全のための国際条約)
SRR Search and Rescue Region(捜索救助区域)
STCW International Convention on Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers(船員の訓練及び資格証明並びに当直の基準に関する国際条約)
STW Sub-Committee on Standards of training and Watchkeeping(訓練当直基準小委員会)
SUA Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Marine Navigation(海洋航行の安全に対する不法な行為の防止に関する条約)
TC Technical Co-operation Committee(技術協力委員会)
TOR Terms of Reference(業務指示 ・ 実施仕様 ・ 委任内容)
TSS Traffic Separation Scheme(分離通航方式)
TWG Technical Working Group(技術作業部会)
UHF Ultra High Frequency(極超短波)
UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(海洋法に関する国際連合条約)
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme(国連環境計画)
VDR Voyage Data Recorder(航海データ記録装置)
VHF Very High Frequency(超短波)
VLF Very Low Frequency(超長波)
VTIS Vessel Traffic Information Services(海上交通情報センター)
VTS Vessel Traffic Services(海上交通センター)
WG Working Group(作業部会)
WMO World Meteorological Organization(世界気象機関)
WWNWS World-Wide Navigation Warning System(世界航行警報業務)
