日本財団 図書館

4th National Seminar on Tuberculosis August, 2000, Ulaanbaatar


Epidemiology and Control of Tuberculosis


Toru Mori, M.D.

Research Institute of Tuberculosis,

Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association


1. Natural history of tuberculosis


1. Infection

Risk of droplet (nucleus) infection;

- Smear positive?

- How long before diagnosis?

- How close is the contact?

- Closed space?

Prevalence of Infection


2. Clinical Development of TB

Development of cellular immunity and disease development

- Primary development: Primary tuberculosis (10-20%)

- Secondary development: Chronic disease (10%, Life-long)

Which factors are important for disease risk?

Balance between Virulence and Resistance (immunity and nature)

- Infection with close contact and from heavily positive patient

- Age: young infancy and adolescence (but, old age?)

- Immunocompromized hosts: HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, Hemodialysis, Silicosis, Corticosteroid therapy,...

- Natural resistance: Nutrition

- Genetic traits: Lean & tall body type, gastric ulcer, specific genes?

- Psychological stress


3. Fate of TB Patients

- Death

- Cure

- Chronics

- Average duration of disease


2. Intervention with Modern Methods


1. Infection control

How to reduce infection?

- source of infection: early detection and treatment, mask

- removal of infectious droplet: ventilation

-inhalation: N95 type respirator (to medical personnel)


2. Prevention of disease

BCG vaccination



3. Treatment of Disease

Case detection and Chemotherapy


- Life and QOL saving

- Prevention of MDR-TB

Who should be treated? - Case definition

Smear negative and X-ray positive?

Benefit/Risk/Cost: Epidemiology, QOL/Suffering, Accuracy in Dx

What are the outcomes of treatment?

- Cure

- Death (TB or non-TB)

- Failure and relapse

- Absconding

Monitoring treatment progress: Cohort system




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