日本財団 図書館


認可法人 海洋科学技術センター




目    次



Record of Panel Discussion

Dr. Taroh Matsuno (Moderator)

Dr. Syukuro Manabe (Global Warming Research Program)

Dr. Hajime Akimoto (Atmospheric Composition Research Program)

Dr. Yoshifumi Yasuoka (Ecosystem Variability Research Program)

Dr. Motoyoshi Ikeda (FRSGC's Program for IARC)

Dr. Toshio Yamagata (Climate Variations Research Program)

Dr. Tetsuzo Yasunari (Hydrological Cycle Research Program)

Dr. Taroh Matsuno (Moderator)

Dr. Jerry Mahlman (GFDL, Princeton University)

Dr. Maurice Blackmon (NCAR)

Dr. Julian McCreary (IPRC)

Dr. John McGregor (CSIRO)

Dr. Bin Wang (IPRC)





Abstracts of Speakers

Understanding and Communicating Climate Change

A Possible Influence of Global Warming on Typhoons

Global Warming and Continental Hydrology

Influence of Cloud Feedback Process on Annual Variation of Global Mean Surface Temperature

Toward the Construction of Chemical Weather Map - Atmospheric Composition and Global/Regional Change -

Indirect Global Radiative Effects from Anthropogenic Emissions of Trace-Gases

Impacts of Global Climate Change to Terrestrial and Ocean Ecosystem - Research Activities in the Ecosystem Change Research Program -

Development of the Community Climate System Model-2

Targets and Ongoing Activities of the Model Development at FRSGC especially on the Coupled A-O GCM

Unique and Necessary Components in Arctic Climate Models

Current Status and Future Plan for the FRSGC Global Ocean Data Assimilation System

Development of a Next Generation Atmospheric General Circulation Model

IPRC Research on Pacific Decadal Variability and Controversies as to Its Cause

Seasons in the Ocean

Why Bother about Climate Variability in the Indian Ocean Sector - A Few Thoughts -

On the Application of Regional Models to Climate Change Research

Numerical Study on the Baiu Front Genesis by Heating Contrast Between Land and Ocean

Preliminary Results of GAME/HUBEX Intensive Observation of Cloud and Precipitation in Meiyu Frontal Zone over the China Continent

Interannual Variability of the Asian Summer Monsoon - Critical Roles of the Monsoon and Monsoon Ocean Interaction -

Relative Importance of Land and Ocean Processes for Asian Monsoon Variability and the Role of Hydrological Cycle

The Complementary Influences of the Indian Ocean Dipole and the ENSO on the Variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall


List of Speakers (Alphabetical Order)







