日本財団 図書館

MIRC News Letter, No.7



The fourth year of MIRC



Dr. Yutaka NAGATA



従って、今までに仕事を一巡させたのは水温・塩分の物理的観測量だけということになる。その研究成果・作業状況については、MIRCニュースレターNo.2に「現場用海洋データ品質管理ソフトウェアの開発」、No.4に「海洋データの収集・保管の際に起こりやすい誤り」、No.5に海洋データの高度品質管理―三陸沖混合水域を例として―」、No.6に「沿岸水位による流れの分類と本州南岸の海流統計」(200m水温分布)として紹介してきた。ここで重点をおいたのは、それまで殆どJODCのデータベースに入れられていなかった都道府県水産研究試験機関のデータの収集と品質管理である。品質管理ソフトもこれらの現場で使用し易いものとし、水産庁あるいはJODCに流入するデータの質の向上を目指したものである。すでに水産庁に集められているデータについては、このソフトを利用してMIRCで品質チェックを行い、エラーフラグの添付作業を行って、水産庁フォーマットおよびJODCフォーマットで出力したデータベースをそれぞれに送付した。このことにより、JODCのデータベースに含まれる各層系データの数をほぼ倍増させることが出来た(図1、図2参照)。ただし、船速チェックを実施するためには、クルーズが特定出来る必要がある。船舶名が明記されていないデータについては、クルーズの特定ができず、高度の品質チェックは難しい。データの収集そのものはMIRCの本務ではないが、これだけでも大きな貢献であろう。5年計画では、水温・塩分の品質管理の仕事は一応1999年度で終了することになっているが、データの品質管理やデータ救済(data rescue)の仕事には完了ということはあり得ない。自主的な活動や種々の受託研究にともなって、今後も努力して行く積りである。



Three years have passed after establishment of MIRC. The MIRC is conducting its research works by following the five-year plan, which was set up just at the beginning of MIRC. Besides routine businesses such as database improvement, metadata setup etc., three steps of data management works are applied for three years on each item, namely (1) to design quality control software, (2) to conduct quality check by using that software and to make new database, and (3) to produce data products including statistical tables and figures. In the first year, we picked up physical quantities such as temperature, salinity and density. Management of bathymetric data was started at the second year, and that of oceanic current data (mainly ADCP data) at the third year. It this forth year, we start to analyze tide and tidal current data (see the item in page 5).

As to the physical quantities, three years working schedule was just completed. Main results of the research were reported in MIRC News Letter No. 2 as "The development of software for quality control of the oceanographic data", in No. 4 as "Error sources in data management processes" in No. 5 as "High level quality control on oceanographic data", and in No. 6 as "Classification of current patterns to the south of Honshu, Japan, by using data of coastal tide stations". Considerable efforts had been paid for archiving the data obtained taken by Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Stations, and for making quality check on them. Except their old data before 1970, these data had not been archived in JODC database. Quality control software developed by MIRC is designed so that it can be easily used in these experimental stations. Main purpose of this software is to improve quality of the data flowing into Japan Fisheries Agency and JODC. The data, which had been collected in Japan Fisheries Agency, were checked by MIRC by using the MIRC quality control software, and error flags were attached for questionable data. Resulted data were arranged in the data formats of Japan Fisheries Agency and JODC, and were sent for these agencies. However, if no ship name is available, research cruise cannot be defined, and the powerful tool of quality checks, "Ship Speed Check" etc., cannot be applied. The status of JODC database on serious observations at the end of 1998 and of 1999 are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, respectively. The number of observation points in JODC database was almost doubled. Collection of oceanographic data itself is the duty of JODC, and not the main duty of MIRC. However, this data archiving work would be one of the big contributions in oceanographic data management in Japan. Data management business on basic physical quantities terminates at the end of 1999 fiscal year according to MIRC working plan. However, quality control and data rescue businesses require almost endless works. By using our own fund or by utilizing other available funds, we shall continue further efforts.

As explained in MIRC News Letter No. 3, MIRC designed quality control software for Multi-Beam Echo-Sounder data. This software has been applied the data obtained by Hydrographic Department, MSA. This work will be continued also in the fourth year. Besides, we are developing two kinds of display software to illustrate bathymetry information in this fiscal year. We receive many requests for bathymetry information, but, as ocean bottom is covered with opaque seawater, it is hard to have intuitive images in general. Popularization of marine knowledge is one of the main duties of MIRC. One of the software is to produce various bird-eye pictures of sea bottom configuration. Its view-point and view-angle will flexibly be changed. Another software is a kind of "walk-through animation. People would get a moving picture, as if he is looking outside on a submarine, which navigates along a prescribed course. Of course, we assume that seawater is transparent, and that we can see articles far away. In future, we shall design teaching materials for middle or high school students by using this technique.




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