日本財団 図書館

2.6 航空保安技術業務の概要


Background of Electronics engineering


I. Introduction.

Civil Aviation has been organized since 1992 July by decrease of Government of Cambodia. Department Electronics Engineering is a branch of Civil Aviation Authority responsible for developing electronics system using in air traffic service, prepare maintenance program, maintain and training operators staff in domestics airport.

From 1992 Electronics engineering depaztment was organized only 4 technical staff only. And in that time we had very condition of facilities, hand over from military field.


II. Facilities

After 1993 we received the Grant from UNDP (Around Imillion US Dollars) for support the current Air Traffic Service of CAMBODLA including Training Staff of ATC (Air Traffic Control), Improvement of English Languages, Installation NDB with Solar Panel at Pochentong International Airport, CVOR /DMLE (Loss during JULY evet 1997) Technical training abroad (CATO at Bang Kok) and Technical assistant for long time (3 years experts : one expert from UNDP one UNV).

In 1995 we received Grant from French Republic for ATS facilities with amount 10.2M French Francs. These equipment install at Pochentong International Control TWR and Siem Reap control TWR.

After 1996 we started to procure by our self the conventional system as NDB, METO equipment for Metar, Mobile station VHF anf HF trough the tender process.And most contractor is Japanese Company (NICHIMEN Aviation Corporation).

Now we have edequate facilities at International and Domestics to the minimum standards as radio communication ground to air VHF AM (PWR output 5W) radio HF communication ground to ground Meto equipment MIETAR for domestics airports.


III. Human resources

Electronics engineering department established with engineers and technician finished from former Soviet Union. One Radio Electronics engineer and 6 technicians, and 13 not qualifications staff. The main problem are inadequate knowledge of technical staff.


IV. Organization Chart

The organization of department as follow:

- Director of department 1

- Office of radio communication 1

- Office of radio Navigation 1

- Office of surveillance 1

- Office of central work shop 1



The current work in Air Traffic Services in Cambodia is low qualification and low level from international standards due to the poor of knowledge of staff.




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