日本財団 図書館

Internal constraints are manifested through lack of policies, procedures and trained manpower inadequacies. To remedy the situation SSCA urgently needs basic aviation law, and through that, regulations to ensure flight safety, aviation security and formulation of an appropriate air transport policy as well as well defined internal management practices.

SSCA is one of the 27 Government agencies (25 ministries and 2 State Secretariats). Headed by Secretary of State, 3 Under Secretary of State and supported by Director General and tow Deputy Directors General. State Secretariat of Civil Aviation reports to the Council of Ministers. There is considerable overlap in the civil aviation responsibilities. The Ministry of Public work and Transport, created vide a separate Decree, and the SSCA are involved in civil aviation functions.

In absence of clearly defined responsibilities, much is left to imagination and initiative of the different organizations, there is very little coordination amongst the different ministries and even within the SSCA itself. Though the SSCA have developed an organization structure for themselves, it is not very integrative and interactive, nor does it have the formal approval from the competent authority. There are no organizational objectives, no job definitions and little expertise at senior, middle and junior levels of management and amongst the staff. The serious issues revolve around coordination problems, role definition and manpower inadequacies.

Given the external and internal constraints faced by the SSCA, this nascent organization has done commendable work in providing essential civil aviation infrastructure and services. The provision of air navigation and security services at Pochentong Airport and in Cambodia and management of the seven domestic airports have been satisfactory. The corporate office, comprising departments of air transportation, airworthiness, operations, security, engineering, finance and accounting, air traffic services, administration and planning, under the guidance of Secretary of State and Director General has performed reasonably. However, all the departments and sections lack objectives, targets, job definitions, manpower capability, authority and financial resources for essential maintenance.


3. Strategy Human Resource Management and Development

3.1 Human Resources Management

Human resource management is central to organizational efficiency and effectiveness. It is only through competent management or human resources that organizations accomplish their laid down objectives. Competent human resources management implies the right man in the right place at the right time and in the required strength. The importance of competent human resource management in civil aviation is further necessary as civil aviation is a highly technological, sophisticated and complex industry.


3.2 Management Practices in SSCA

The past events in Cambodia have caused a serious dearth of competent manpower. SSCA is no exception. Human resource management functions are practically none existent in the SSCA. One reason is that the manpower with SSCA is part of the civil service apparatus of Royal Government of Cambodia. All aspects of personnel management are, therefore, according to the central government's existing rules and practices (wherever available).




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