日本財団 図書館

Development of Road Safety Education Framework for ASEAN Development of Institutional Framework and Set-up for ASEAN Exchange of Information, Experience and Coordination of Road Safety Research and Training Programs in ASEAN Prepare and Propose Comprehensive Plan of Action with Realistic Time Frame for Road Safety in ASEAN Coordination and Harmonization of Road Safety Enforcement in ASEAN (3) And third is, Global Road Safety Partnership ASEAN Seminar Series is a project proposed by Japan GRSP committee to contribute to World Bank initiative for GRSP. ASEAN Seminar Series will be started in March 2001 in Tokyo.


Findings and Recommendations

So I would like to say the Findings and Recommendations. In 1999, the total numbers of 423,378 vehicles were registered in all over Myanmar and the total number of 3,459 accidents occurred. The number of injuries in these accidents is 6,372 and the number of death is 1,021.

Thus it can be seen that the fatality rate is 24 per 10,000 vehicles. In general, it is the most developed countries which complies group I (fatality rate is from O to 8.9) with the lowest fatality rates, and the least developed which complies to group 3 (fatality rate is about 20) with the highest rates. So it is needed to be emphasized to lower the fatality rate in Myanmar.


When reviewing the traffic accident in Yangon City, it is seen that the number of accidents involving public transport buses covers nearly half of the total number of accidents. And emphasis should be taken on this matter also. At present, the public transportation system in Yangon city is operated mainly by buses which are owned by state, co-operative and public sectors. This system has become inadequate, and it can not efficiently carry out the needs of the commuting public. As the population of Yangon city is increasing, it will not be possible to fulfill the demands of the travelling public with a system based mainly on buses. It can be also seen that the existing limited road system, the imperfect physical conditions of the roads and the traffic congestion all act as severe constraints on the present transport system. To cope with the public transport needs of the present and for the future, the existing public transport system must transform as soon as possible to the Comprehensive Public Transport System, so as to be able to carry large numbers of passengers rapidly to and from, in a smooth and systematic way.


Recommendations for the Urban Transport

So I would like to give some Recommendations for the Urban Transport. To extend the existing ferry system of offices, schools, workshops, factories, etc. Rerouting the existing bus route system to overcome the effective and efficient for commuter and also lesser congestion. To modernize for public transport ticket system. To mitigate the current barriers of Public Transport To extend the existing circular Rail System and integrate with other modes of public transport. To alter the use of Pick up small cars in public transport by city buses. To collect systematically Traffic and Urban Transportation Data such as Road and Public Transport Facilities, Inventory of Travel Patterns, Traffic Planning Factors, etc. To control the Land Use Planning for future Urban Transport. To establish the permanent organization for controlling of Urban transportation. (10) To upgrade the existing Road and Road Facilities. (11) Human Resources Development for Traffic Engineer, Transportation Personnel, etc. (12) To consider future planning for Dual Mode Trolley Bus System, Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Mass Rapid Transport(MRT) system.




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