日本財団 図書館



There lived Father Fox and Boy Fox in the barren mountain. Father Fox was and victorious lord of the mountain. His philosophy of life was extremely crafty-benefiting himself at other's expense, pushing everyone out from his way and deceiving everyone with flattering words. Compared to him Boy Fox was rather dumb.

One day when winter is coming near, Father Fox takes the boy for the training hoping that the boy would learn how to survive by himself in the coming severe season.

They see a couple of hardworking otters catching fish and crabs.

Disguising themselves as women, they approach the couple and propose exchanging invitations to dinner. Of cource the foxes become the first guests. And they eat and drink their fill.

On the following day the otters go up to the mountain for the invitation from the women. They see the foxes looking up at the sky.

And the foxes say that they are presently keeping a watch over the sky and they cannot entertain them. The dissapointed otters go down the mountain. On the following day the otters come again. This time the foxes say that they are keeping a watch on the land. Otters realize that they have been deceived.

Soon the cold winter came and the pond was freezing over.

One day when otter husband is at the pond, Father Fox disguised as a woman comes and says, "Sorry for not having entertained you last time for I was sick. We'd like to have you as our guests this time. Please teach me how to catch fish in the frozen pond. "The otter answers to him, "Make a hole through the ice in the middle of the pond at midnight and hold your tail in the water until morning. Then you will catch all the fish in the pond. "The fox follows the advice. In the morning he becomes aware that he cannot pull out his tail as it has been frozen solid to the ice, and he notices people coming to catch him.

He tries his best and escapes, but his tail is cut off. Father Fox says to the boy that he gives lecture not to trust anybody.

Seeing his tailless father, Boy Fox begins to feel some kind of responsibility. He bravely rushes out to hunt and to find a new dwelling. Looking at Boy Fox walking courageously, Father Fox feels relieved from worries that he has been having all his life for the boy, and goes info an eternal sleep in the falling snow.




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