日本財団 図書館

Second Session: Southern Ocean Variability

Chair: W. White (SIO), Motoi (FRSGC)

16:30-16:50 Tatsuo Motoi, FRSGC,“Structure and Evolution of Simulated Antarctic Circumpolar Wave”

16:50-17:10 Peter G Baines, CSIRO,“The Antarctic Circumpolar Wave and Indo-Pacific Climate”

17:10-17:30 Warren White, SIO,“The influence of the Antarctic circumpolar wave upon interannual climate variability in the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans”

17:45-19:45 Reception (Ivy Room, Shiba Park Hotel)


TUE. March 7

Third Session: Air-Sea Interaction in the Western Pacific

Chair: Delecluse (LODYC), Nakazawa (MRI)

8:30-8:50 Pascale Delecluse, LODYC,“Westerly wind bursts and ENSO: Role of the March 1997 Wind Event in the 1997-1998 El Nino Onset”

8:50-9:10 Tetsuo Nakazawa, MRI,“MJO - A key component in the atmosphere for triggering ENSO”

9:10-9:30 Yoshiteru Kitamura, MRI,“The ENSO and its Modulation in a Coupled GCM”

9:30-9:50 Harry Hendon, CDO,“Intraseasonal air-sea interaction in the western Pacific and the onset of warm events”

9:50-10:10 Greg Holland, CSIRO,“Status of the Aerosonde Robotic Aircraft”

10:10-10:30 Robert Molcard, LODYC,“The Indo-Pacific Thriyghflow within Ombai Strait”

10:30-10:50 Break

10:50-11:10 Roger Lukas, UH,“Air-Sea Interaction in the Western Pacific in Relation to the Asian-Australian Monsoon System”

11:10-11:30 Yukio Masumoto, FRSGC/FORSGC,“Intraseasonal eddies in Sulawesi Sea and their impact on the Indonesian throughflow”

11:30-11:45 Tangdong Qu, IPRC,“On the role of ocean dynamics in the surface heat budget of the South China Sea”

11:45-12:00 Yign Noh, Yonsei Univ.,“Improvement of the surface process in OGCM with a new mixed layer model”

12:00-13:20 Lunch




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