日本財団 図書館


Chairman of AODC, Mr. Ben Searle (right) and Dr. Y. Nagata (MIRC)


その講演の内容は、後述の永田の講演と合わせて、MIRC Science Report No.6として刊行したので、希望者は連絡されたい。MIRCからは、鈴木亨と永田豊の2人が、それぞれMIRCが開発した新しい品質管理ソフトウエアーの紹介と、そこで使用されるべきパラメータと局地的な海洋特性の関連について紹介・発表を行った(永田の発表は都合によりワークショップの中で行われた)。また、永田は1つのセッションの議長を勤めるとともに、海洋物理学研究者としてシンポジウム締めくくりのパネル・ディスカッションのパネリストを勤めた(Rasip博士が司会、パネリストは他にSearle氏、Jacinto博士、Hadibah博士(Malaysia)、寺崎誠博士(日本)、およびOliounine博士:表紙写真)。




Dr. Toru Suzuki (MIRC) introduced the quality-control software newly developed by MIRC in Session 2, and Dr. Yutaka Nagata (MIRC) discussed the relations between local oceanographic conditions and the parameters to be used in this software. The latter talk was originally scheduled in the symposium part, but it was shifted to one section of the workshop part due to technical reason. Nagata s lecture note is given also in this MIRC Science Report No.6. Dr. Yutaka Nagata also served one of the chairmen of Session 4.

At the end of the symposium, a Panel Discussion was held in order to summarize the talks and discussions, and to set recommendation items for the workshop (see Photo on the face page). The panel discussion was coordinated by First Admiral Mohd Rasip bin Hassan, and the panelists were Mr. Ben Searle, Dr. Gil S. Jacinto, Assoc. Prof. Hadibah Ismail (Director of Coastal and Offshore Engineering Institute, University Technology Malaysia), Prof. Makoto Terazaki (Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo), Prof. Manuwadi Hungspreugs (Dept. of Marine Science, Chulalongkon University, Thailand), Dr. Yutaka Nagata and Dr. Iouri Oliounine. Dr. Yutaka Nagata contributed to the discussion as one of the physical oceanographers.

The workshop was held on November 3-4, and chaired by Dr. Iouri Oliounine and Mr. Ben Searle. Dr. Henry R. Frey (US National Oceanographic Data Center), Mr. Toshio Nagai (JODC) and Dr. Yutaka Nagata (MIRC) presented their talks and leaded the discussion. We do not describe here on details of the workshop part as the official report will be published by IODE/IOC. We demonstrated our quality-control software and distributed our News Letters and documents in front of the meeting room, and exchanged information related data managements with experts from various countries.

The place of the meeting is one of the famous resort hotels in Dewan Langkawi, and we enjoyed wonderful tropical life, though it rained frequently as it was still in rainy season. We also enjoyed parties held in every evening (Photo 12 and Photo 13). The conference was very successful, and we could improve mutual understanding among experts of oceanographic data managements.




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