日本財団 図書館


Marine Information Symposium at Nagoya


平尾 昌義

Mr. Masayoshi HIRAO




日時 平成11年5月12日(水)13:00-17:00

会場 名古屋国際会議場1号館3階

講演会名 海洋情報シンポジウム



開会の挨拶 後藤 光征(第四管区海上保安本部、本部長)

座長:西山 晴一郎(第四管区海上保安本部水路部、監理課長)

○基調講演 伊勢湾の歴史と文化

福岡 猛志(日本福祉大学、副学長・教授)


伊勢湾の流れと水質・生態系の仕組み ─貧酸素水塊や赤潮の発生と消滅機構─

藤原 建紀(京都大学農学研究科、助教授)

○特別講演 生物資源の永続的利用と伊勢湾の環境

鈴木 輝明(愛知県水産試験場漁場改善研究室、室長)



コンビナー:永田 豊


パネラー:藤原 建紀、鈴木 輝明

柴山 信行(海上保安庁水路部沿岸域海洋情報管理室、室長)

宮本 哲司(第四管区海上保安本部水路部、部長)

閉会の挨拶 永田 豊




MIRC held Marine Information Symposium: Study on Ise Bay Nature of an Enclosed Bay, Disaster Prevention, and Data and Information Management in Nagoya Congress Center under the joint auspices of the 4th Reg. Mar. Safety HQ on May 12, 1999.


Opening address by Mitsumasa GOTO

(4th Reg. Mar. Safety HQ: Commander)

Chairman: Seiichiro NISHIYAMA

(Adm. Div. 4th Reg. Mar. Safety HQ, Head)

Keynote lecture: “Ise Bay History and Culture” by Takeshi FUKUOKA

(Nihon Fukushi Univ.: Vice-President, Professor)

Lecture: “Flow Structure Controlling Water Quality and Ecosystem in Ise Bay Development and disappearance of Hypoxic Water and Red Tide” by Takeki FUJIWARA

(Grad. School of Agri., Kyoto Univ., Associate Professor)

Lecture: “Environment of Ise Bay, and Sustainable Use of Bio-resources” by Teruaki SUZUKI

(Aichi Fish. Res. Inst.: Head Researcher)

Panel Discussion:

Disaster Prevention and Role of marine Information

Convener:Yutaka NAGATA (MIRC)



Teruaki SUZUKI

Nobuyuki Shibayama

(Coast. Info. Office, Hydro. Dep.: Head)

Tetsuji Miyamoto

(Hydro. Dep. of 4th Reg. Mar. Safety HQ: Director)

Closing Address by Yutaka NAGATA

Prof. Fukuoka told how Ise Bay has given impacts on the history and culture in the Tokai area. Prof. Fujiwara introduced recent observational results of the current system in Ise Bay, and discussed how the flow structure is controlling water quality and ecosystem such as hypoxic water and red tides. Dr. Suzuki emphasized importance of benthos filtering activity of organic suspended material in tidal flats and shallow waters. By using the results of observational works and modeling studies, he suggested effects of artificial tidal flats or shallows to obtain sustainable use of bio-resources in Ise Bay. We get more than 200 attendants in the symposium, and the meeting room was almost full. The results would be published as one of the MIRC Scientific Series.




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