日本財団 図書館




なお、各国の受入れ統計は、国によって統計処理の方法に相違が見られるため、各国間の数宇を比較する際は、予めその旨を留意の上活用願います。またさらに詳しい内容(分類方法等)についてはWTOが毎年発行している「世界観光統計年鑑(YEARBOOK OF TOURISM STATISTICS)」に各国の受入れ統計が記載されていますので、参考とすることをお勧めします。


World Tourism Statistics


Most international tourism statistics published by the world's major tourist market countries have traditionally been those about travel to their countries. Only a few exceptions such as Japan Korea and Taiwan Issue statistics about outbound travel from their territories, which are required by the world's travel industry. Since such statistics, even if they are available, tend to cover only certain kinds of travel such as vacation travel or are roughly estimated figures, it is difficult to grasp at a glance the accurate traffic of outbound tourists by region or period or their individual destinations.

These statistics, compiled for the purpose of complementing the currently available statistics, are designed to enable us to understand the number of international arrivals from each of the world's 24 major tourist generating countries by destination for 1994-1998.

When comparing the figures of each country, it should be noted that the methods used for processing statistics vary with countries. For details such as the method of classification, we recommend that you refer to each country's inbound statistics in the Yearbook of Tourism Statisrics annually published by WTO.




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