日本財団 図書館

3]Unconsciousness (including Fainting)


Point of Medical Interview: Level of consciousness disorder

(3-3-9 grade system of the Japan Coma Scale)

I. Eyes are open, but

1]he lacks some clearness.

2]he cannot remember the present date, place, or those around him.

3]he cannot remember his name or birth date.

II. The eyes are closed, but

1]he opens his eyes when called by name with an ordinary voice.

2]he opens his eyes with a loud voice or a slight stimulus.

3]he opens his eyes when pinched or slapped repeatedly.

III. The eyes never open, and

1]he brushes aside pinching.

2]when pinched, he only shows a slight movement of his hands or legs.

3]when pinched, he never shows any movement.




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