日本財団 図書館


The mayor of a city, town or village or the head of a special ward may be by bylaw amend the matters mutually agreed upon under the second sentence of paragraph 1 of Article 296-2, with the consent of the board of trustees.


(Operation of the Property Ward)


Article 296-5.

In the administration and disposition or abolition of its property or public facilities, the property ward shall make best efforts to promote the interest of the inhabitants, but not to go so far as to disintegrate the city, town or village or special ward to which it belongs.



Except where the property ward disposes of or abolishes the whole or part of its property or public facilities in order to transfer the same to the city, town or village or special ward to which it belongs, any disposition or abolition of the whole or part of its property or public facilities, which is contrary to the standards established by cabinet order in view of the proposes of such property ward, may not be effected without the prior consultation and agreement with the governor of To, Do, Fu or Ken.



The city, town or village or special ward comprising a property ward may in consultation with such property ward appropriate the whole or part of revenues accruing from its property or public facilities for a part of the expenses of the city, town or village or special ward. In such cases, such city, town or village or special ward may abate taxes or fees or other charges upon the inhabitants of the property ward, to the extent of the sum so appropriated.



The consultation under the preceding paragraph on the part of the property ward shall require a prior resolution of its assembly or general meeting or a prior consent of its board of trustees.



For abatement of taxes or charges under paragraph 3, the city, town or village or special ward shall require a prior consultation and agreement with the governor of To, Do, Fu or Ken in advance.


(Report, etc.)


Article 296-6.

The governor of To, Do, Fu or Ken may, if necessary, demand a report or the production of information from the mayor of the city, town or village or the head of a special ward which includes a property ward, or make inspection, on the performance of the affairs to the property ward.



If there arise a dispute over the affairs of a property ward between the chief executive or assembly of a city, town or village or special ward and the assembly or the general meeting or the board of trustees of a property ward, the governor of To, Do, Fu or Ken may upon request of the parties or ex officio give adjudication thereon.





