日本財団 図書館







IDEA,the International Association for Integration,Dignity&Economic Advancement,was established as a non-profit organization in 1994 and is the first international organization to have persons affected by Hansen's Disease(Ieprosy) in key leadership positions.

The objectives of IDEA are to promote,respect and dignify all human beings,particularly those who have had Hansen's Disease and to work in partnership to ensure that they may live rewarding lives with dignity. IDEA is dedicated to the principle that individuals affected by Hansen's Disease should play an active role in public education efforts and various programs aimed at directly improving the social and economic situation of persons affected by Hansen's Disease throughout the world.

IDEA also seeks to combat prejudice,discrimination,segregation,rejection,the use of derogatory terminology and the stigma associated with the disease through self-support,self-reliance,dignity and Public awareness programs.

"To many of us worse than the very disease is the prejudice that comes along with it. Many of us stopped being called Francisco,Joe,Maria,and started being called leprosy patients,'lepers' and recently Hansenites. I believe our greatest challenge is to make sure that millions of people who have lost their identities return to being called by their own names."

-Francisco A.V Nunes(Brazil), IDEA Publicity Representative




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