日本財団 図書館




Postgraduate course: Modern Concepts of Tuberculosis and its Control


Date: Monday 23 November

Room: Rattanakosin/Shangri-La Hotel

Time: 8:30-17:OO

Coordinator: M Aoki/Japan

Chairs and Moderators: S Supcharoen/Thailand T Shimao, M Aoki/Japan


Course objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to understand the basis of current tuberculosis control, and to elaborate a plan of development and evaluation of national tuberculosis control programme;

- by understanding the current development of epidemiology, BCG vaccination and chemotherapy of tuberculosis.

- by understanding how to prevent the emergence of drug-resistance tuberculosis bacilli, and how to manage tuberculosis laboratory and patients dually infected with tuberculosis and HIV.

- and by understanding a practical plan to implement DOTS and to organize community-based tuberculosis control.



8:30-8:40 Opening address

8:40-9:15 Epidemiological aspect of tuberculosis  D A Enarson/IUATLD

9:15-9:50 Basis of chemotherapy of tuberculosis  S L Chan/Hon Kon


lO:10-lO:45 Management of drug resistant tuberculosis  M D Iseman/USA

lO:45-11:15 Tuberculosis laboratory: Quality control  S J Kim/Korea

11:15-11:45 Tuberculosis laboratory: Recent advances  C Abe/Japan

11:45-12:15 Discussion

Lunch break

13:45-14:20 Tuberculosis and HIV  Charoen Chuchottaworn/Thailand

14:20-14:55 BCG vaccination programme  T Mori/Japan


15:20-15:55 DOTS Strategy  S Spinaci/WHO

15:55-16:30 Community participation and NTP  N Ishikawa/Japan

16:30-17:00 Discussion

*Time allocation for each lecture includes 5 min discussion. *Time is subject to change.






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