日本財団 図書館

8 A show-off is likely to bend the rules if it provides an opportunity to boast about their ability. A person like this is liable to ask for special benefits from contractors in return for corruptive action on their part. These benefits provide materialistic things which in turn can be shown off.


9 A weak-willed person may find it difficult to turn down a request for a small favor. Once undertaken, they will hesitate to break their connection with this contractor for fear of anyone finding out about the small corruption that they committed.


10 People rarely notice if you have cheated on your golf score. This form of cheating doesn't damage anyone. There is, however, a certain similarity between cheating on a golf score and accepting bribes. No one other than the briber will witness you accepting bribes. Behind this secrecy, there is no obvious victim involved. Public officials must have a strong sense of discipline and self-control if they are to avoid participating in any form of corruption. The same can be said for their golf score.


It may have come to your attention from the above that the person most likely to fall into the trap of corruption, has great ability and works extremely hard. This person is also very diligent and warm hearted and has a little bit of fragility as a human being. Contractors actively seek out this type of public employee. Public officials must be careful not to be too overconfident about their power. They must have a high standard of discipline and self-control.





