日本財団 図書館


Achieving Benefits for Business Change, HMSO, 1994.


Post-Implementation Review, 1995.



5 Steps to the Appointment of Advisors to PFI Projects: Tips on the Selection, Appointment and Management of Advisors to PFI Projects, 1996.


Risk and Reward in PFI Contracts: Practical Guidance on the Sharing of Risk and Structuring of PFI Contracts, 1996.


VAT in PFI Service Payments Forthcoming 1997.



The Private Finance Initiative and Government IS/IT, 1994.


The Private Finance Initiative and Government IS/IT: The Business Case and Procurement Process, 1995.


The Private Finance Initiative and Government IS/IT: Risk, 1995.


The Private Finance Initiative and Government IS/IT: Evaluation, 1996.


The Private Finance Initiative and Government IS/IT: Report on the NIRS2 Project, 1995.



The Private Finance Initiative in IT, 1997.



Private Finance and IS/IT: case study, The IND caseworking progromme, 1996.



Private Finance and IS/IT: case study, OSIRIS: Office Systems Infrastructure Review and Implementation Strategy for the Welsh Office, 1996.



Report on the Procurement of Custodial Services for DCMF Prisons at Bridgend and Fazakerley, 1996.




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