日本財団 図書館

Peculiarities of the long-term variability of thermohaline structure and water circulationover Siberian continental slope


Vladimir. K. Pavlov


Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute 38 Bering Str., St. Petersburg

Tel: 7-812-352-3129

Fax: 7-812-352-2688

pavlov@dynam.spb. su


V.V. Stanovoy


Thermohaline structure of watts over the continental slope is result of complex interaction of water masses of marginal seas, water masses of the Arctic Basin and water masses of Atlantic and Pacific origin.

Therefore, long-team signal in interannual variability of temperature and salinity of water, masses over the continental slope depends on changes of rivers run-off, advection of waters from adjacent oceanic basins and atmospheric and ice conditions in the Arctic.

The analysis three-dimensional structure of temperature and salinity has shown, that on the water aria of the continental slope the amplitude of the interannnal variability is much higher, than in other parts of Arctic ocean.

So, for example, in surface layer over the continental slope on the north of the Laptev Sea the peak-to-peak amplitude of interannual fluctuations of temperature in summer time can reach 1-1.5C degrees, and the salinities 3-4 psu. These values are 20-30 % greater than average amplitudes of annual cycle of temperature and salinity in this region.

Therefore, water areas of continental slope are one of the important objects of research of climatic changes in Arctic ocean.

In the given work, on the basis of the analysis of the observation data and results of numerical modeling, estimations of long-term variability of thermohaline structure, water circulation and sea level on the water aria over continental slope of the Kara, Laptev and East-Siberian Seas are made.

Research of processes, responsible for formations of large-scale anomalies of temperature and salinity in these regions, has done.





