日本財団 図書館

Why MMR Was Once Used Extensively in Industrialized Countries?


MMR met the above criteria when TB was highly prevalent in industrialized countries.

Sensitivity: Excellent, in particular, with the use of mirror camera

Specifity: Depends on the skill of interpreters, which was generally good in these days

Reproducibility: Good with the production of standardized-ray machines

Feasibility: Easy to examine several hundreds within a few hours

Cost: Affordable to cover the cost in case of miniature films.

Acceptability: Good.

Safety: The detection rate was high, and its benefit was superior to the possible radiation hazard


Role and Limitation of MMR in TB Case-finding (1)


Role played by MMR in developed countries

MMR had been used as spear-head of TB control

In some countries, a mayor or head of town or village is asked to conduct MMR in a community under his jurisdiction, and it was useful to recognize his responsibility to carry out TB control. MMR in the community promted to organize voluntary associations for TB control.


Reasons why MMR was abondoned in low prevalence countries

Inefficiency: Detection rate came down, and MMR had become not cost-effective.

Quantitative limitation of MMR: Difficult to maintain high coverage of MMR

Qualitative limitation of MMR

Quality of miniature film

Quality of X-ray film reading

Quality and quantity of secondary examinations

Quality of guidance to detected patients


Role and Limitation of MMR in TB Case-finding (2)


Limitation of repeatedly carried out health examinations in defecting diseases

A model explaining role of repeatedly carried out health examinations in detecting diseases

Useful to detect slowly progressing diseases, and not useful to detect rapidly progressing diseases


Nature of TB

TB and symptoms: TB is not so asymptomatic as it was generally believed to be.

Rapid progression of TB: Approximately half of TB cases develops within 1 year

Spontaneous healing of TB: Many slight TB (abacillary and minimal extent) cure spontaneously

Going-up-stair like progression of TB


Why MMR Is Not Used Extensively in Developing Countries?


MMR in developing countries does not meet the criteria

Feasibility: Difficulties in the maintenance and repair of X-ray machines and the film supply

Cost: Developing countries can not afford the cost of MMR. Limited financial resources should be devoted for passive case-finding and treatment of detected cases


Priority in TB Case-finding


Social priority: Should cover whole country


Epidemiological priority: Smear (+) PTB as it is most dangerous source of TB infection and worst prognosis


Methods Used in TB Case-finding


Passive case-finding as a routine, and contacts examination, etc. as an additional method.


Industrialized countries: Screening by chest X-ray examination, and bacteriological examinations including cultrue to confirm diagnosis.


Developing countries: Screening by sputum smear examination, and referral of smear (-) respiratory symptomatics to higher level institutions


Tuberculin testing is useful to





