日本財団 図書館

C. Training in Esophageal Speech and Notes for New Students


1. Breathing Practice and Speech Production in Conversation


Practice by saying as many words as possible in one breath and immediately voicing each subsequent word.


It would make no sense, however, for you to speak words quickly but to have your listener catch none. Get into the habit of speaking slowly and precisely. To do this, you must acquire the technique of controlling your breathing.


Increase the internal pressure in the esophagus by pushing up the diaphragm. Adjust the air flow to make it steadily constant with voice production. Speak "Aaa, Iii, Uuu, Eee, Ooo," all at one stretch and, at this time, move your lips and say "Tabako, Sakana, Asagao, Tokyo..." as if sliding down a railing of long vowels.


Inhale air quickly into the esophagus through mouth with the synchronization of breathing from the tracheostoma to prepare for the next speech. You will be successful when you are able to breathe smoothly and then speak.


Someone who is proficient in doing this is able to start speaking within 0.3 to 0.5 seconds of inhaling.





