日本財団 図書館

13. Interaction with the Gallery and Press


(1)Games will be broadcast on the World Wide Web.

Please refer CGF WWW page for the deta1ls.

(2)All participants are expected to assist the press as much as possible.

(3)All participants are requested to allow members of the gallery to play their software. Tournament promoter will ask professional go players and journalists to evaluate their programs in this presentation session. CGF prize will be awarded to participants whose programs were introduced during this presentation.

0ther Go and Shogi related software may also be presented during this session, but if there are many participants, tournament officials will select which programs will be shown.


Note: In order to receive CGF prize, programs must have been entered in the tournament as well as the presentation session. Prize will be awarded on the basis of tournament results and the spread of computer go research.


(4)Each participant is requested to submit by either floppy disk or E-mail, a document describing their program. It should be submitted with the participant's tournament application.


14. Tournament Board Members


Chief director of F0ST : Yoichi Erikawa

Tournament Director   : Atsushi Yoshikawa

Secretariat       : Yoshio Maruyama (F0ST)

Tournament judges    : Takao Kojima/9th Dan(Nihon Ki-in)

Masahiro Okazaki(Computer Go Forum)

0rganizer        : Computer Go Forum


15. Aid for activity


This tournament is made possible through the aid of the Nippon Foundation motorboat race public fund.


16. Introduction to Workshop on Computer Games


Along with the Third F0ST Cup, a Workshop on Computer Games entitled "Using Games as an Experimental Testbed for AI Research" will be held on August 24 and 25. This is a unique opportunity for both AI researchers, computer Go programmers and cognitive scientists to appreciate the achievements of current top Go programs. We will together discuss a new and innovative collaboration of recent AI techniques, findings from cognitive scientific research of human Go players and continuing efforts to create stronger Go programs.

For more information, you may visit the workshop web site;


http://www.cs.unimaas.nl/- uiterwyk/ijcai-games-workshop/CFP.html


and contact a co-chair, Dr. Hiroyuki Iida(iida@cs.inf.shizuoka.ac.jp)





