日本財団 図書館



Numerical Analysis of Hydrodynamic Force and Structural Response of a Large Mat-type Floating Structure in Regular Waves
九州大学 安澤 幸隆 Yukitaka YASUZAWA, Kyushu University
九州大学 香川 洸二 Koji KAGAWA, Kyushu University
三菱重工(株) 河野 大介 Daisuke KAWANO, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Keywords: large floating structure. Hydroelastic response, wave response analysis,
finite element. Boundary element. velocity potential
Recently large floating structures which may be used as a floating airport have been studied actively. National project of developing very large floating structures has been in progress in Japan as well. This very large structure is relatively flexisible compared with real floating structures like large ships. When we estimate dynamic responses of these structure, fluid-structure interation cannot be ignored because elastic deformation as well as rigid motion of the structure produces hydrodynamic forces. In the present study, we have developed a numerical code for dynamic response analysis of a flexible floating structure of mat-type in regular waves and examined dynamic characteristics of the flexible floating structure. The floating structure is treated as a rectangular flat plate by use of finite elements, and boundary elements are used in the formulation of the sea region. The present numerical results agree well with numerical or experimental results reported in some other papers. The effect of water depth, relative length of waves, and direction of waves on the response of hydrodynamic pressure and deformation of the structure are examined. Furthermore the appearance of the change of the sea surface arround the struture are calculated and displayed.
1. はじめに
(1)diffraction問題を解くことにより、マット型の浮体構造物に作用するdiffraction forceの分布の特徴を規則波の波長や水深を変化させて調べている。これから浮体が剛体で固定されているときの浮体に作用する流体圧(radiation問題の外力)の特徴を知る二とができる。




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