日本財団 図書館


Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of JSMEA

Tadao Yamaoka, Chairman
It was in June 1966 that our organization was inaugurated as the Japanese Marine Equipment Association (JSMEA), but if we go further back to the days when The Ship-Machinery Manufacturers' Association of Japan and The Marine Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers Association of Japan were coexisting as separate bodies, we can say we have been operating for exactly four decades already. Looking back, we are reminded of the significance of this history, and would like to take this opportunity to share the joy this auspicious occasion gives us with all the parties whose generous support and cooperation we have enjoyed.
As readers are well aware, we have played an important role as a trade association in ship machinery and equipment manufacturing and helped develop the Japanese shipping and shipbuilding industries. During the phase of high growth for shipbuilders, we developed on our own or imported new technologies for domestic manufacture of products comparable to foreign counterparts. When the promotion of export trade was an overriding priority, we were actively engaged in overseas market research and participation in maritime exhibitions. When shipbuilding ran into the severe recession triggered by the oil crisis, we made all-out efforts to modernize and rationalize production facilities and, at the same time, committed ourselves to research and development of energy-saving equipment and technologies, all with a view to supplying quality products at low costs.
This extensive development of activities also had an impact on the organization and administration of JSMEA. In 1991 the Japan Ship Machinery External-Trade Association was merged into JSMEA, and in 1994 JSMEA succeeded part of the business of the Japan Marine Machinery Development Association. Thus JSMEA itself has also transformed itself significantly to meet the needs of the times.
With this 30th anniversary as a major landmark, we will continue our endeavors for the development of marine equipment into the 21st century by furthering our commitments to technological development, standardization of products, conservation of the global environment and research on sophisticated information systems as well as technology import from overseas and international cooperation through horizontal international specialization in such areas as assisting overseas businesses intending entry into the Japanese market or joint ventures with local partners. All our clients and other interested parties are kindly requested to favor us with further enhanced support and encouragement.







