日本財団 図書館

of women by the riverside, some with containers, some with lots of clothes to w ash. This is day in, day out, when we were sailing up for almost a week. Then I told Collin, "Collin, if we just stop by, by the riverbank, and tell these lad ies, we are now going to the confer-ence to talk about reproductive health, to talk about family planning, to talk about nutri-tion. This is what they will sa y, this is what they will tell you, I bet you my bottle dollar: 'Gentlemen, you can forget about family planning, you can forget about reproductive health, we want the water from here to our homes.' So that they will be able to perform t heir jobs." I'm very happy to be closing with this remark, because it is always a subject that touched my heart.
The cleanliness of the baby, the infant mortality rate, the gastro-enteritis, i t depends on the lady of the house. If she is capable and confident that she wi ll have the water by her side, she will able to do her job properly. I thank yo u for all the contributions, particularly the good doctor here, who is a collea gue of mine, because I'm also a doctor. I am very happy that we have come toget her to complete this session this morning, and I thank you most sincerely on be half of the participants here.





